Ifrogman ifrogman

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Froggy's world of revelations

They say that it's a frog's world, but I believe that this was said by a frog out there somewhere, one who hadn't the foggiest idea of what any of you humans are like. For me, and in being a frog, I've started to see how your world has evolved through the touch of you humans. I've had a very long discussion with Bob as he tended the garden, and what he told me this week about you lot, well, it beggars belief. Croak!!!

Now, we frogs know a thing or two about sticking together, and hopefully for the benefit of all us frogs. But you humans.... what you do to each other tells me a lot more about how humans are deep inside, than I could have known if I had been able to live forever. Ribbit!!!

I really would like one of you lot to tell me why it is you're always so cruel to each other? I've heard it said that 'shit happens!', only from my viewpoint, it appears to be happening all the time with humans, and none of you gives a damn. You don't seem to have anything good to do, or even say about each other. And as if I know you don't believe me, I'm going to provide you with just a few choice examples of what you do to each other, and of how much you care so little about it. Croak!!!

Bob, bless him, told me that you humans like to stay in what you call, hotels, places to stay when you're away from home. These hotels more often than not make very good profits on what they provide for the pleasure of you humans, their customers. Now, you'd obviously think that those who work in these hotels, and there are thousands of these hard working souls, would quite naturally be paid very handsomely for providing you lot with a place to enjoy your stay, now wouldn't you? Toad's crap! Most of you will no doubt have seen the TV programme which exposed the likes of top London establishments as being slave drivers, frequently paying wages that ends up with its workers being ripped off, only you were unaware of anything untoward going on during your stay. Perhaps that you were disgusted by what you discovered? You damned well should be too.

Anyway, what you may not be aware of, and this is something that happens regularly in a top tourist hotel in an extremely popular area of England, it's this. Now, if after you, and I need you to imagine that you work in such a hotel, oh come on, just use what imagination you've got left, for goodness sake. Anyway, you've just worked extremely hard for a whole month, and when your wages day arrives, the scumbag hotel owner tells you that you're not going to be paid. How do you feel about it? Sick? Worried? Cheated? Remember, this is a highly rated establishment, one that is respected far and wide, one that has been paid very handsomely by all those who stayed under its roof, slept in comfortable beds with clean fresh sheets, oh, and not forgetting that you've worked like a slave for your earnings, in this case, the minimum wage. Now this piece of crud wants to let you go home unpaid and hangs on to what is rightfully yours. Now, how do you feel? Do you think that this kind of practice is fair?

Personally, if I was a human, and thank goodness I'm not, I'd be pretty pissed off at this petty attitude from the hotel owner. Oh, and did I mention to you that these threats of non payment of wages has been going on for years, that the hotel owner takes drugs and spends the profits on works of art to cheat the customs and revenue people? Does it make you feel any different towards these unfortunate workers? I doubt that you even care, given the general attitude that exists between you humans. Perhaps that you are one of those who stay at hotels and then look down your nose at those who work there? I tell you this, I feel pretty croaked up about all of this, and I've never even stayed in a hotel. Croak!!! Croak!!!

Moving on to yet another strange human activity, Mobile Phones. Now I wonder why it is that you humans feel so insecure, unless you have a mobile phone glued to your ear all the time? Is it something like a child's comfort blanket? And why is it that you do anything to own one, then let these service providers walk all over you? Bob says that your government is more supportive of these companies ripping you off, than in protecting your interests as a customer. I wonder why it is that when you walk into one of these phone stores, you appear to leave all commonsense outside the shop? Would you give a complete stranger your wallet or purse on the street? No! Then why do you do this when you purchase a mobile phone, and apparently without any real consideration either. And you think I'm stupid! Ribbit!!!

I'm finished for today, I'm going to hop off around the garden again, and get to grips with the real world. Catch you all again real soon, Bye!



Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Humans, get a life!

Well, what a week this is starting out to be. One minute I wake up thinking that I've been transported off to somewhere in Siberia, it's that damned cold, and the next you humans are at it again and all without thinking about what it is you are doing. Ribbit!!!

A frog's life isn't all a bed of roses, you know, but it's a darn sight better than the one you lot have to put up with. Croak!!! Bob, my friendly gardener, told me that your government is always claiming to do everything it can to rid this society of poverty. Toad's crap! I think that someone should tell your mister Brown, that he be a lot better off listening to the advice of those who understand what the abolishment of poverty truly means. It's time that he realised it does not mean robbing the poor of their low rate of income tax, and then giving a reduction to everyone else that's better off anyway. Seems to me, your Gordon, his name should be Bennett ;) is concerned solely with getting votes of the greedy buggers amongst you, rather than to do what he's there for, and rid your society of its poverty once and for all.

The bitter side of this tax robbery, and it certainly has one, couldn't be any more heartless than when you consider that your soldiers are amongst those who are losing out on this loss. There they are, up to their necks in sand, terrorists and bullets, risking their lives each and every day, and what for? To have what little they are paid reduced even further, and all because your government is such a load of tightwads. Wake up Gordon! It's your life they are defending. If they aren't, then what in hell are they doing out there in the first place? Croak!!!

While he's dithering over the mistake he made, not wanting to make a U turn, a Thatcherite term for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, one of you should inform him that if he wants to do something positive for the lower paid, increase their personal tax allowances, only don't wait until next April to do it.... Doh!! I'd tell him myself, but I doubt that he'd take advice from a Frog. Ribbit!!!

Bob says, your government is trying hard to think of ways to make your complicated tax system more simplified. I say, abolish it and start a fresh. It can't get any more simplified than that. Ribbit!!!

Another juicy bit of news to come my way is this. MP Jackie Smith, I believe that she is the Home Secretary, anyway, she thinks and has suggested that in order to get those predatory Paedophiles off these social networking sites, is for Myspace, and so on, to access their email addresses and monitor the offender's mail. In an ideal world it may work. Perhaps that one of you good spirited folks out there, wouldn't mind letting her know that it's as easy as pie to create as many IDs as these scumbags need to hide behind, and that they can simply keep on changing them when things get a bit hot for them. Besides, she is just talking about registered offenders. What about those who aren't? I don't know about you, but it seems that MPs know very little about the system used by millions worldwide. It's time they became a little more net educated, then perhaps your kids can feel a whole lot safer while they are surfing on the net. Croak!!!

Apparently, the Deputy Director of the Child Protection Charity has suggested that these sex offenders need to be educated to react responsibly, this being so that they don't reoffend. Well, someone else had better tell Donald Findlater, the charity's DD, that these scumbags need mental help. Oh! But of course, successive governments have been releasing people like these from your mental institutions and prisons, so it's their fault that these people now prowl the internet social networking sites... Croak!!!

That's it for today, I'm going to hop off around the garden while the sun is still warm enough to enjoy. See you all again soon, Bye!



Tuesday, April 15, 2008

One Way Ticket

I'm glad that I'm a frog, why? Well, you humans only have to take a good long look at yourselves to understand what I'm saying. We frogs exist as a part of the ecosystem of Earth and of life in general. We mean no harm to anyone, in fact, we're just plain old happy to be alive. On the other hand, you humans care for nothing but yourselves. Oddly, and since knowing you, I have never been able to understand just why it is, that you humans are all so hell bent on the destruction of your species? A One way ticket as I see it. Croak!!!

No we're not! I can hear you all shouting back at me. Well, yes you are!! Bob told me that the Chinese simply do not believe that they are currently the world's largest cause of CO2 gases. This is at a time when Bejing looks like it's cooking in a dark volcanic cauldron of its own making. I can assure you all, this is what is known as a classic case of self-denial. Their arrogance will be second to none, if they continue to think that the amount of pollution they are producing will not harm the planet we all live on. At the rate things are going today, these will be the famous last words of the Chinese, and of course, the citizens of India, as they choke themselves, along with everyone else, into an obnoxious oblivion. Croak!!!

I am somewhat surprised to learn that despite all the signs of global warming, you humans still believe that you are invincible. Crazy, yes. Invincible, no. Even as I communicate with you, some of you are even now using food crops to make, or use these bio fuels for your cars and such. I wonder which fool amongst you thought of doing this? Will using bio fuel in your vehicles keep you alive? With the world's increasing population, how is it that you think that by growing less food, and remember that more land is being taken out of food production, it will solve the onset and spread of starvation among those who are already unable to grow their own, simply because it no longer rains on their land? Of course, from the way I see it, you are only being inconsiderate simply because by the time the planet ceases to function, like it has done long before humans populated it, you'll be dead and therefore it will no longer be your concern, and so, nothing to worry about either. Croak!!!

I heard that! Yes, you there, the scrawny little oik at the back. You said that the frog is never right. And you laughed about it. Well, wrong again! I told those greedy buggers amongst you some time ago, that house prices will eventually come plummeting down. According to those in the know, it's starting to happen. Yes, some of you... No, it's actually quite a lot of you really, are going to end up with a whole lot of negative equity. Serves you damned right for being so greedy! You obviously still haven't learnt that the only people who made any considerable amounts of money during the rise in prices of property, were the Banks, Property Developers and the proverbial Estate Agents. They all saw you coming!!! Ribbit!!!

I'm off now, it's time I went in search of my tea. Have a nice day, and I'll see you all again real soon, Bye!


Coming soon : Recipes for cooking delicious Slugs en croutons, Cordon Bleu Snails. Pain au Fly's legs. Potage au Gnat's balls. Gratin de Mosquito Larva.


Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Profiteering Water Companies - A Fairy Tale

The weather continues to be unsettled, which isn't good for my progeny as the pond has been frozen over at least once during the past week. Oh my! (Big sigh) Well, there's nothing I can do in my battle against nature, but that's how it is for us smaller creatures. We frogs are all somewhere in the food chain, much as I can't say that I like it this way, it's eat or be eaten. However, I'm sorry to admit that I cannot say the same about you humans, where if my memory serves me well, it's dog eat dog in your society. Of course, I can't say that I relish the prospect of eating a dog! Croak!!!

You see, the thing is this, this saying means that you lot out there are willing to crap on each other to achieve your aims and goals. A very good example of this was told to me by Bob, and I'm going to pass this on to you lot, just to prove my point. Oh! Some of you will know this already since it affects you.

Apparently, the Severn Trent Water Authority has just received a massive fine in a court of your laws, more than fifty plus millions of your pounds, (I quit counting at thirty, cos it sounds like this is quite a lot to me?). It seems that they have been behaving rather badly towards their customers, nothing new there I suppose, and they have to pay some of this back to them. Now, where have I heard this fairytale before? Anyway, their Chief Executive has said that the company's customers will not suffer as a result of this fine. Bull shite!!! Bob said that quite unlike previous years, his bill for 2008 has gone up by more than seven percent, this is opposed to it increasing in previous years by a mere four percent.

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but Bob reckons that if every Severn Trent customer has paid seven percent more this year, it will more than cover the cost of the fine imposed on them by the courts. Plus the fact that it will make them a very nice fat profit to top it off. I'll keep you posted on what the water regulator has to say about this matter, once Bob has made a complaint against Severn Trent. Croak!!!

You humans never cease to keep on behaving badly towards each other, more so if despite that I told you there's no such thing as classes in your society, you still carry on like there is, so... this is why your government has stepped all over the poorest sector of your society by abolishing the 10p rate in income tax. They saw fit to give the rewards to the, and I hate to say it again, but I have to, middle classes, as if these greedy toads hadn't got enough already. Croak!!! Do you know the real reason why the tax cuts were given to these slobs, it's quite simple really: the poor of Britain do not contribute enough to society as a whole, so they take what little they have and then kick em in the crutch while they can't get much lower. Croak!!!

You want to know something? We lesser creatures kill to survive, but you humans, well you survive to make a killing. It appears to me that most of you don't seem to mind who you hurt along the way, just so long as you get what you want. Your view regarding the Chinese Olympics is a fine example of how you lot really are, selfish and uncaring...

That's another week's news coming to you from the garden pond. See you again soon, Bye all,



Tuesday, April 01, 2008

An open invitation to the crooks

The weather today has been what Bob calls, typically British. The wind has been blowing a gale and the rain driven along by its passing. As for the sun, it has been showing itself from time to time, but the wind is cold and quickly chills the air. In other words, I should have stayed in hibernation where it was at the very least, a whole lot warmer. Croak!!!

Never a week passes without you humans getting at each others throats, do you really hate each other so much? I see that despite the way that China has been treating the Tibetan people, the rest of the world seems to be quite content to let life continue as if nothing was wrong. Do you lot not care about the inhumane way that China is torturing and bullying the Tibetans into submission, and then finally robbing these people of their oil wealth as if it owned the country? Of course not, and why should you? After all, Britain is out there in Iraq helping the Yanks do the same sort of thing. You think not? Well ask yourself this question: Would the Yanks have gone to war against the Iraqis if they hadn't got such enormous oil deposits? No wonder they let China do as they're doing. Croak!!!

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Boycott the Chinese Olympics. If you are an Olympic sports hopeful who intends to go out there to compete, Don't Go! How many more Chinese families have got to lose their homes for the sake of two weeks or so of these games? Do you really want this on your conscience? Do you really care so little about what these games are doing to others? The buck stops with everyone outside China. Boycott its products. Don't go there for your holidays. In fact, treat China just like it treats the Tibetan people, with the utter contempt that China deserves. Croak!!!

Bob, in his wisdom, has been telling me about eBay once again. Apparently, eBay has made a whole lot of hasty changes to its operations lately, the worst by far is connected to their precious PayPal payments system. How many times must I repeat myself? PayPal is not the completely safe system that eBay thinks and tells you it is. PayPal is not a bank, therefore, it does not give you the safety of a normal financial banking service. Believe it or not, there are still lots of evil people out there around the world who constantly use PayPal to rob other eBay users of both their goods and their money too. The only reason it wants you to use this service, it's solely because it owns PayPal and with each and every single transaction, it makes a very big profit.

Just when, as a PayPal customer, you thought everything was going along all hunky dory like, they have the power to freeze your account and prevent you from accessing your funds, all without telling you why they've done it. Yes, you'll receive one of their annoying template messages, which you'll discover is extremely frustrating and will drive you nuts, but it'll be ages before you can access your precious money again. Now, according to their latest changes: if you want to sell anything on eBay, you must register a credit card with them and offer PayPal transactions to your winning bidders. Wish I could do this to you poor suckers, I'd make millions..... Oh! but then this is what eBay are already doing to you. I doubt that there's room for both of us to do it. eBay cares only for itself and the billions it makes from its auctions. It cares nothing about you as one of its millions of customers. Croak!!!

Bob says that eBay is continually shooting itself in the foot. With its greedy uncaring attitude and the latest list of unfair changes it has made, Bob reckons that he is even less likely to do any further business through eBay no matter what any of its sellers have to offer. At one time, you could warn others when a bad payer or someone who is banned was once again selling or bidding on their site, now the seller is prevented from actually giving negative feedback, even when it's deserved. Not only this, but eBay is making all bidders IDs hidden, a sure way to inviting the crooks back onto the auction scene again. Croak!!!

That's it for this week. I feel a headache coming on, so it's time I went back to the garden pond. Bye all,

