A misguided society
Perhaps it’s just as well that my friend, Froggy has gone into hibernation, because if he knew the kind of thoughts, views and words being bandied about in our society today, he’d likely have a seizure and drop down dead.
I heard on the one o’clock news today, that our teens and twenty year olds are against pensioners, like me for instance, living until we reach a ripe old age. It’s as if once we finished working our codd’s off, so that we can hopefully retire gracefully, we’re not entitled to then draw the pension that we’ve rightfully paid into for the best part of fifty years of our lives. Do they really think that just because people retire that they are no longer of any use to society? Then they don’t really know me…
All that I can say to these people is this, god help you when you reach retirement age, because by this time, the government will have decided that instead of retiring, it’s your turn to die before you too, become too old and a drain on society. Oh, and by the way, it won’t do you any good for you to argue against it, because claiming that you still pay your taxes like everyone else around you, simply won’t cut the mustard.
I wish that someone would tell me just why it is that our elected government, in all its glory, keeps on taking up the ideas of other western countries that have proven not to work, but simply refuses to accept ideas that have been proven to work perfectly well? Do we really elect these three thousand pounds a week babbling idiots to run our country? Well, if I’m to be honest with myself, it must be true, because why else is this country in such a crappy mess right now?
Perhaps you are among those who disagree with me, but I’ll tell you this; It wasn’t all that long ago, when we had justifiable pride in our strong economy. Unemployment was low, especially following the farce that were the Thatcher years. Further, this country was filled will opportunities to make money, and this included opportunities for almost everyone. Now, well we’re deep in debt, the unemployment figures are growing quicker than pantomime Jack’s beanstalk. It’s such a misguided society that we live in.
Haven’t any of you wondered how it is that certain people were able to bring this country’s economy to its knees, something that should be against the laws of this land, and yet these known individuals have gotten off scot-free, and further, made themselves fortunes while we all now are having to suffer for it? Where it happened in the USA, they are going to take these same people to their high court and prosecute them to the full extent of the law. I really have to wonder, why is it that we aren’t doing precisely the same thing?
Those of you old enough to remember, will recall that the great train robbers were each given thirty-three year jail sentences for their part in it in the 1960s, and yet, when someone is responsible for taking billions by deception, they’re actually being allowed to get away with it. Perhaps it’s just me and I don’t understand the British law system?
Don’t you just hate to see David Cameron ranting about how bad the Labour party is doing, when he firmly believes in Thatcherism, and we all know where that got us, four million unemployed, businesses collapsing at over a thousand every week, strikes all over the place and a total collapse of our society. Let’s face it, if we voted him into office and he did nothing, as his words have frequently suggested, then those bad old days would return with a vengeance, you mark my words.
After all that I don’t want everyone to think that I’m being totally insensitive, because I really do care about what’s happening in Britain today. I know what it’s like to lose a job and have to face a period on the dole. I can tell you that it’s not a bed of roses, and if anyone thinks it’s easy to live on less than fifty pounds a week, it’s time you woke up. The British economy runs on the assumption that we all live on the country’s average wage, far from it in fact. I and a good many others like me would grab at the opportunity to be so well off.
Bob, standing in for Froggy and I don’t envy his task one little bit.
Labels: Elected Government, Labour, Tories, Useless Pensioners
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