Ifrogman ifrogman

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It’s a miracle

Yes, these must have been the first words and thoughts of Bankers and their ilk, when they discovered that the British government were not only going to bail them out, but to let them go completely unpunished for bringing the country’s economy to its knees. The cheek of it all is that they insist on remaining in total control of their businesses as if nothing had happened. And you humans believe that doing wrongful things doesn’t pay, nonsense! If you were born in what now turns out to be a privileged section of British society, you can get away with just about anything you care to lay your hand at doing. Croak!!!

I understand from Bob, our wonderful gardener, that Jacqui Smith’s maths don’t quite add up these days. Why, I hear you bleat? It’s simple, this country has 600,000 job vacancies and approximately 1.6 million unemployed. Now, as most of you are clearly aware by now, I’m just a frog, but even I’m aware that 1.6 million does not go into 600,000. Even by fiddling the figures and with the unemployment figures set to rise due to the chaotic economy and growing recession, you’re still going to end up with massive unemployment figures no matter how you look at them. Of course, those of you who are unlucky to find yourselves without a job, will at some time be confronted by a not so friendly face at your local jobcentre. Further, someone there will insist that there’s thousands of jobs out there if you’re willing to look for them, and when you tell them it’s not true, they will treat you like a piece of shite from that moment onward. What utter contempt for you! For those who are misinformed when they are confronted by this situation, you can tell them, “Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.” Croak!!! Croak!!!

I also understand that many of the lower classes among you, are, and I hate to say it, going to see your energy bills go through the roof this winter. It’s tough I know, but the odd thing is this, your government really doesn’t give toad’s crap about what your needs are, nor if you and your family freeze your cods off when the cold weather really sets in. Why should they, when their annual pay, including all those massive perks, amounts to well nigh on two-hundred thousand pounds. They don’t even live in the same world as you lot. As usual, it’s in their interest to make sure that these huge energy companies get massive profits from you lot, since however high these costs to you go, the government will be able to reap the tax from your bills and at the same time turn their heating to a very comfortable tropical level, with the added ability to pay their bills with a broad beaming smile. Even the energy watchdog hasn’t got any teeth to bite with, and if it had, why bite the tender hand that pays you a nice fat salary over the years? Come on, wake up you lot!!!

Sadly, Britain has become a more class ridden society than ever before, one where its lower classes are treated with utter contempt by those who somehow considered themselves to be better than everyone else. Let’s face it, where else can you find a society that rewards those that bring a country to its knees? Every time you vote these people into office, their sole concern is to make as much money for themselves and their own family as possible, and in doing so, forget that they are supposed to represent the people and this country as a whole, not just pick and choose where it suits them. Well, you lot are easily fooled into believing that what they do is done for you. Croak!!!

Bob says that the poverty line is one-hundred and fifty-one pounds a week. Now if the government was anywhere near interested in abolishing poverty in Britain, it would need to make sure that pensioners get another fifty-eight pounds a week increase just to get level with the poverty line. I’m sorry to have to inform him, since he’s my bestest friend in the whole garden, that the government doesn’t give a damn for the poor. To the government, the poor belong where they can’t do any real harm, although they’d likely prefer that they’d either lay down and just die, or join the many leaving Britain, just so long as these oiks don’t keep getting stuck under their feet, they‘ll feel happy. Croak!!!

Once again, your government is seen to take care of its own by handing out yet more peerages. What is it with the rich? Don’t they feel that they fit in society unless they’re dressing up in some clown’s suit and strutting the high stuff? I give up ever trying to understand the ways of you humans, I really do. Croak!!!

That’s it for this week’s soapbox, take care… if you can afford to.


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