Ifrogman ifrogman

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I’m a Believer

I’m your friend (famous last words) and I’m here to bring the message of the frog world directly into your homes. Yeh, really. J Anyway, right at a time when I was beginning to think that you humans couldn’t get any worse, Bob went and told me about the US vice presidential candidate nominated by Senator John McCain, governor Sarah Palin. Apparently, she believes in Creationism, proving once and for all that there is more Monty Python in her than anyone could have suggested. Ribbit!!!

I ask you, how is any other serious government going to have any faith in a country whose vice presidential candidate believes that the world was formed just 6,000 years ago, and that humans and dinosaurs roamed the Earth together? Crumbs, Frogs have been around a lot longer than that. Perhaps it’s that you shouldn’t expect quite so much from a country that makes movies like ‘The Land Before Time’, The Land That Time Forgot’ and ‘The Lost World’ and then go and believe everything they see in them. Fair enough, everyone is entitled to their beliefs, and so on… but I wouldn’t want my life entrusted to such believers. Did you know that there are fairies in my garden, not just at the bottom, but everywhere? You’d all be truly surprised by what goes on in gardens after it gets dark each and every night. Ribbit!!!

You know, many of you out there still refuse to believe that a Frog can use a computer. Well, one day I’m going to prove it to you. Now, I never said that performing this mind boggling feat was easy, because it isn’t. And no, I don’t have a giant computer like Bob uses. Don’t be silly, I’m not strong enough to depress all of those huge keys on the keyboard. Mine is really quite tiny and it reacts to the slightest touch by my delicate little fingers. Fortunately, it has the ability to be connected to Bob’s PC, whereby this allows me to send my messages off to you each and every week. Neat eh? J Ribbit!!!

Bob says that your government is spending billions in order to spy on British society. Why? Well, they’ll tell you that it’s to make your society all the more safe and secure. Me, I believe that it’s just a means of using the prospect of potential terrorism against you, and to be able to manipulate the population in general. I know that you don’t believe me, well, ask yourselves this: why didn’t the British government work as hard to prevent the terrorists acts of the IRA when it was happening throughout mainland Britain? After all, this war against the British went on for a very long time, yet they didn’t get anywhere near as worked up about stopping that, did they? No, they just want to be able to spy on what you lot are doing, simply because it‘s a whole lot easier than doing the job they are supposed to be doing as your represented governing body. What will this do for your personal rights, privacy and freedom to live peaceably? Croak!!!

I sympathise with everything that you humans are having to put up with lately. It beggars belief to understand just why it is that certain sectors of your society are allowed to bring a whole country’s economy to its knees, and then be allowed to actually get away with it? Why is it that you reward humans for doing blatant criminal acts? I understand from Bob that out and out thieves would be put away in one of your prisons, even if they even so much as took a few miserable pounds that didn’t belong to them, yet here, in your society, those who are trusted more than anyone else can literally take billions, and then they are allowed to go Scot free, why? It strikes me that instead of people taking up the wrongful act of a common thief, they should invest themselves in a much better education, then go into the world of banking or high finance. It certainly pays a darned sight better than stealing a few pounds. That’s the way I perceive it anyway. Ribbit!!!

I think I’d better end on that note for this week. I do hope that everything gets better for you soon. I’ll catch you all again next time,

Froggy :-)

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