Ifrogman ifrogman

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Come on Britain, WAKE UP!!!

Following a very long discussion with my friend Bob, the Gardener, I’ve come to the terrible conclusion that you humans, and more especially you lot that live in Britain, you seem to be absolutely afraid of sticking up for your rights. In fact, you don’t even appear to like to make a fuss about anything, let alone actually complain about the wrongs done to you. Can I come around and walk all over you, too? (I’m only kidding. J) Croak!!!

I recently spoke about the way you lot are being ripped off by your energy providers, well, I’m going to tell you more. Haven’t you ever wondered why it is that you, of all the people in the Euro Market, are always paying for higher increases in energy costs than in any of the other members of the community? Did you, those who pay the energy company EDF, know that you have just seen your bills rise by 22%, well, of course you have. And yet in France, their government would not allow EDF to increase their customers prices by more than 5%? You should be asking yourself, why it is that the French government can care for its citizens in this way, while yours doesn’t seem to give a damn about what you now have to pay? Of course, could it be something to do with the small fact that Gordon Brown’s brother works for EDF? Croak!!!

Another thing that crops up again and again, it’s that Britain no longer owns most of the energy and utility companies that rip you off. It’s little wonder that foreign companies are lining up to buy what remains of your energy and utility companies. They know perfectly well where the best profits are to be had, and it’s all because you lot are such willing payers. It doesn’t matter how much higher your bills will be, you’re always there for them and ready to appease these gods of wealth. Your government does nothing to protect the public’s interests at all, and even if you do shout about it, it chooses to totally ignore you, at least that’s how I see it all. Croak!!!

My goodness! The boards of these greedy money-grabbing companies must be laughing their socks off while they think about all that lovely money you lot are throwing at them. Croak!!! Don’t tell me that your Labour party has the wellbeing of the country’s economy at heart. Come on Britain, WAKE UP!!!

If you still don’t think that Gordon hasn’t got your interests at heart, then consider this: Why is it that the government appointed Regulator appears to be ignoring your pleas for fairer energy prices? The energy Watchdog is forever trying to protect you against these overly inflated energy prices, but he hasn’t got the teeth it needs to do a spot of hard biting. Quite unlike the regulator on the other hand, but then he’s about as useless as a boil on your arse. Goodness knows how he thinks he’s earning the high wage he’s being paid each year? I suppose that as he works for the government, he’s entitled to protect their interests first. Croak!!!

While I’m on the subject of the government, I want to remind you all of just how distanced they are from the rest of you humans. Now, although this snippet of information was given by a member of one of the opposition parties, it all goes to show you that they don’t give a damn. When Nick Clegg was asked how much did he think that a pensioner receives each week, he replied, “About thirty pounds.”

Now I don’t know much about what it takes for you humans to live on, but if he thinks that thirty pounds seems fair for the senior citizens among you, then he, and others like him have a very low opinion as to what is fair. I bet that he spends more on a single meal, and yet he thinks a pensioner should be able to live a week on it. MPs simply don’t even live on the same planet as the rest of you, let alone realise the difference between the spending power of their incomes when compared with yours. Croak!!! Oh, and before those smart arses among you think that your pensions will be far better than those at present when you retire, remember this: With the rate at which the financial institutions are losing your pension investments in this current credit crunch, you’ll be very lucky to find any pension worth waiting for you at all by the time it’s your turn to retire. Ribbit!!!

Well, that’s enough ranting and raving from me for another week. I’ll see you all again real soon, your friend…


PS : Back in April last year, the Energy Regulator was urging EDF's customers to switch their supplier to another company. Now that's a good idea!! So, come on you EDF customers, it's time to strike for freedom. You changed once and you can do it again.

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