Crisis, What crisis?
It appears that with each and every passing week, you humans continue to get yourselves deeper in the mire. Now, while I'm more suited to wallowing around in mires, you lot are most certainly not. Ribbit!!!
According to your politicians, your society is in danger of a fatal collapse, and it's all your fault. Despite the signs, and the valued advice from yours truly, you seem hell-bent on ruining your economy. Why is it that many of you still insist on paying way over the odds for these over-priced houses? Don't you ever heed the advice given by your parents? They never ran around like the proverbial headless chicken shouting, "I must buy a house at any cost." And do you know why they didn't? It's because unlike the rest of you, they knew the true value of money. Ribbit!!!
I have to wonder why it is that you lot seem to think that money grows on trees. Well, let me tell you something, it doesn't, and never will. Those of you who think that you can manage to get through this crisis, believe me, it has hardly begun. I do hope that you're not expecting those who acted prudently, to do something to help you out of the mess you're in? If you are... Grow up!
According to Bob, your real enemy today are these greedy oil and gas producers. They seem to be working towards holding your society to ransom, just so they can make a lasting profit at your expense. It's bad enough when food companies begin downsizing in order to let you think that their prices have remained low. Instead, they make the packaging smaller, put less of their product inside it and charge you the same. Neat, eh? Ribbit!!!
Let me tell you about another of what I see as being a scam. Have any of you noticed a change in the taste of something you've bought like since forever, to discover that it doesn't taste anywhere near as good now? One such product is jam, Bob likes his jam, anyway, at one time, jam was set using apple as a pectin, a good old natural fruit. But today, jam companies fill their jams with citric acid, probably because it's a darn sight cheaper to use than apple. Only thing is, these jams don't taste as good as they used to, and citric acid rots the enamel on your teeth a darn sight quicker too, not that us frogs have to bother about teeth. Ribbit!!!
Of course, jam is not the only product that's being tainted with citric acid. But the worst side of these changes is the fact that people, like our Bob, who suffer badly from Rheumatoid Arthritis, can actually be harmed by the adding of citric acid to food products. This makes the joints swell much more than usual, which in turn brings on waves of chronic pain. To Bob, and others like him, citric acid is a killer. I think that he's planning a way to take these food producers to court for making his life such a misery. Croak!!!
So, if any of you lot out there are working in the food industry, stop using cheap rubbish to flavour your food, and try putting wholesome ingredients into it instead. People expect to pay more for food that is worth it, especially when there are no harmful side effects from consuming it. Ribbit!!!
With my progeny hunting in the garden for their food, I have to keep one step ahead of them. Fortunately, they cannot yet tackle anything that's bigger than their mouths are, so this leaves the really big juicy fat slugs for me to eat. Yummy! Ribbit!!!
It's a shame that the weather is still so dull and wet, but with the climate change now well under way, I guess that we all must get used to having it this way. Here is something to brigthen your day.

See you again soon...
Labels: Citric Acid, Downsizing, Oil and Gas Producers, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Wholesome Ingredients
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