Humans, get a life!
Well, what a week this is starting out to be. One minute I wake up thinking that I've been transported off to somewhere in Siberia, it's that damned cold, and the next you humans are at it again and all without thinking about what it is you are doing. Ribbit!!!
A frog's life isn't all a bed of roses, you know, but it's a darn sight better than the one you lot have to put up with. Croak!!! Bob, my friendly gardener, told me that your government is always claiming to do everything it can to rid this society of poverty. Toad's crap! I think that someone should tell your mister Brown, that he be a lot better off listening to the advice of those who understand what the abolishment of poverty truly means. It's time that he realised it does not mean robbing the poor of their low rate of income tax, and then giving a reduction to everyone else that's better off anyway. Seems to me, your Gordon, his name should be Bennett ;) is concerned solely with getting votes of the greedy buggers amongst you, rather than to do what he's there for, and rid your society of its poverty once and for all.
The bitter side of this tax robbery, and it certainly has one, couldn't be any more heartless than when you consider that your soldiers are amongst those who are losing out on this loss. There they are, up to their necks in sand, terrorists and bullets, risking their lives each and every day, and what for? To have what little they are paid reduced even further, and all because your government is such a load of tightwads. Wake up Gordon! It's your life they are defending. If they aren't, then what in hell are they doing out there in the first place? Croak!!!
While he's dithering over the mistake he made, not wanting to make a U turn, a Thatcherite term for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, one of you should inform him that if he wants to do something positive for the lower paid, increase their personal tax allowances, only don't wait until next April to do it.... Doh!! I'd tell him myself, but I doubt that he'd take advice from a Frog. Ribbit!!!
Bob says, your government is trying hard to think of ways to make your complicated tax system more simplified. I say, abolish it and start a fresh. It can't get any more simplified than that. Ribbit!!!
Another juicy bit of news to come my way is this. MP Jackie Smith, I believe that she is the Home Secretary, anyway, she thinks and has suggested that in order to get those predatory Paedophiles off these social networking sites, is for Myspace, and so on, to access their email addresses and monitor the offender's mail. In an ideal world it may work. Perhaps that one of you good spirited folks out there, wouldn't mind letting her know that it's as easy as pie to create as many IDs as these scumbags need to hide behind, and that they can simply keep on changing them when things get a bit hot for them. Besides, she is just talking about registered offenders. What about those who aren't? I don't know about you, but it seems that MPs know very little about the system used by millions worldwide. It's time they became a little more net educated, then perhaps your kids can feel a whole lot safer while they are surfing on the net. Croak!!!
Apparently, the Deputy Director of the Child Protection Charity has suggested that these sex offenders need to be educated to react responsibly, this being so that they don't reoffend. Well, someone else had better tell Donald Findlater, the charity's DD, that these scumbags need mental help. Oh! But of course, successive governments have been releasing people like these from your mental institutions and prisons, so it's their fault that these people now prowl the internet social networking sites... Croak!!!
That's it for today, I'm going to hop off around the garden while the sun is still warm enough to enjoy. See you all again soon, Bye!
Labels: 10p Tax Robbery. Poverty. Paedophiles. Social Networking Sites
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