One Way Ticket
I'm glad that I'm a frog, why? Well, you humans only have to take a good long look at yourselves to understand what I'm saying. We frogs exist as a part of the ecosystem of Earth and of life in general. We mean no harm to anyone, in fact, we're just plain old happy to be alive. On the other hand, you humans care for nothing but yourselves. Oddly, and since knowing you, I have never been able to understand just why it is, that you humans are all so hell bent on the destruction of your species? A One way ticket as I see it. Croak!!!
No we're not! I can hear you all shouting back at me. Well, yes you are!! Bob told me that the Chinese simply do not believe that they are currently the world's largest cause of CO2 gases. This is at a time when Bejing looks like it's cooking in a dark volcanic cauldron of its own making. I can assure you all, this is what is known as a classic case of self-denial. Their arrogance will be second to none, if they continue to think that the amount of pollution they are producing will not harm the planet we all live on. At the rate things are going today, these will be the famous last words of the Chinese, and of course, the citizens of India, as they choke themselves, along with everyone else, into an obnoxious oblivion. Croak!!!
I am somewhat surprised to learn that despite all the signs of global warming, you humans still believe that you are invincible. Crazy, yes. Invincible, no. Even as I communicate with you, some of you are even now using food crops to make, or use these bio fuels for your cars and such. I wonder which fool amongst you thought of doing this? Will using bio fuel in your vehicles keep you alive? With the world's increasing population, how is it that you think that by growing less food, and remember that more land is being taken out of food production, it will solve the onset and spread of starvation among those who are already unable to grow their own, simply because it no longer rains on their land? Of course, from the way I see it, you are only being inconsiderate simply because by the time the planet ceases to function, like it has done long before humans populated it, you'll be dead and therefore it will no longer be your concern, and so, nothing to worry about either. Croak!!!
I heard that! Yes, you there, the scrawny little oik at the back. You said that the frog is never right. And you laughed about it. Well, wrong again! I told those greedy buggers amongst you some time ago, that house prices will eventually come plummeting down. According to those in the know, it's starting to happen. Yes, some of you... No, it's actually quite a lot of you really, are going to end up with a whole lot of negative equity. Serves you damned right for being so greedy! You obviously still haven't learnt that the only people who made any considerable amounts of money during the rise in prices of property, were the Banks, Property Developers and the proverbial Estate Agents. They all saw you coming!!! Ribbit!!!
I'm off now, it's time I went in search of my tea. Have a nice day, and I'll see you all again real soon, Bye!
Coming soon : Recipes for cooking delicious Slugs en croutons, Cordon Bleu Snails. Pain au Fly's legs. Potage au Gnat's balls. Gratin de Mosquito Larva.
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