Ifrogman ifrogman

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wake up!!!

Just like most of you out there, I'd appreciate the opportunity to be able to get on, uninterrupted of course, with life and living. Unfortunately, if the media has its way, I'm not going to be able to do it. I'm sure that you must have heard what the scientists are saying about global warming, along with the changes it will bring? Just in case you haven't, I'm going to spare you a little of my valuable time in providing you all with an explanation.

Actually, I shouldn't need to keep on repeating what Froggy has been telling us since he came onto the human scene. Never mind, I'll say it anyway. I'm sure that most of you will recall the searingly hot summer sunshine of 2003? Well, according to the scientists, it's going to be increasingly more like this every summer from now on, with the outlook for 2050 becoming much hotter. Great! some of you will be thinking. No more wet summers, but a lot more sunshine. If only it was as simple as this. You may, or may not recall that in 2003, thousands actually died from the heat. Now since 2050 is forecast to be much hotter, then it stands to reason that sadly, even more are sure to perish. On top of this, Britain will join the ranks of those countries that are plagued with malaria, because the conditions here will become ideal for the mosquitoes that carry this disease.

Personally, I believe that malaria will be the least of our worries, not that I'll be around in 2050. If our present summers seem to provide conditions that give us widespread droughts, can you possibly imagine what the summers of 2050 will give us? With global warming on a scale that affects the whole planet, I can visualise a period when the western world will become over populated and famine will be commonplace even here, a place of plenty for us all at the moment.

I don't want to sound like a harbinger of doom and gloom, but we do seem to be hell-bent on ignoring the signs and advice of those who have made an effort to study world climate changes, something that we really do have in our power to change for the better. If we continued to use our cars and other vehicles that pollute, insist on flying several times a year for holidays and the like, then the future world of doom and gloom will all too soon become a terrifying reality. We are all in need of a wake-up call.

Well, if the current weather conditions improve, we'll soon be hearing from Froggy again. Now, since he sees the world differently to the rest of us, perhaps he can give us the benefit of his knowledge on behalf of the animal kingdom? I certainly hope so.

Because I'm getting busier in the garden this month, I'm going to have to end on that note. See you all again next week, Bye all...

Bob (Standing in for our friend, Froggy)


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