Ifrogman ifrogman

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

British Comedy at its best

I want to go into hibernation, but I'm afraid that you'll go to pieces, if I leave you humans on your own for a few months. Croak!!!

According to Bob, the man who lets me in on all the juicy gossip, has once again been telling me yet more stories concerning the way your government conducts its business on your behalf. He says that more often than not, your well-being is fast becoming of very little concern to those you voted into office. He also says, if you take a good long look at the way they conduct themselves in parliament, you will discover that it's more like watching old-time music hall during a comedy turn, than acting like the honourable members of parliament that they are supposed to be. At times, Bob has likened their antics to that of a kindergarten full of three and four year old toddlers. This really is British comedy at its best. Croak!!!

If you are inclined to disbelieve the wise words of Bob, or even Froggy's advice, then perhaps you should buy yourselves a copy of something called, Private Eye magazine. The news revealed within its pages will certainly do much more than open your eyes to what is going on in Britain today. Even your local government officials do not go unscathed. what is worse, everything that MPs and your local council members do as your representatives, is done because you humans have allowed these things to happen. It's downright disgraceful!!! Croak!!!

Your government is funded by your taxation system, therefore, how is it that ordinary members of the public are forced to do what your government should be doing? Here I refer to something Bob saw on a television programme, The Secret Millionaire. Why is it that it takes the generosity of a millionaire to help those less fortunate than themselves, when this is surely the basic role of your government? You should be asking your local MP, or even government itself, why aren't they spending the money they gather on the people of Britain, more especially by helping the less fortunate? This is why you lot are taxed in the first place, and it's why Britain is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. From the way I perceive the matter, this money is being continually squandered on a long list of mistakes they make, and it also goes towards helping the MPs to better their own lives. Croak!!!

Your government apparently gathers billions in road fund licensing to maintain your road system, but Bob says that there are thousands of roads out there that are in very bad need of repair, and yet nothing has been done about the large potholes etc, for more than three or even four decades. Since this is often the case, what the hell are they spending your money on? Ahhh Yesss, Read the Private Eye magazine and find the truth... You lot are going to be in for a big surprise. Croak!!!

Another subject now, your railway services. They are just as much of a rip-off now as they were when I last spoke about them. I see that your government still insists on giving huge subsidies, your taxes, to these railway companies, despite that they keep on putting up their fares by more than the rate of inflation. Why? Again, why is it necessary to subsidise private companies that do not have the public's interest at heart? According to government plans, railways were supposed to be backed by public money in order to get you motorists off the roads. Isn't about time that you lot told your government that their plan isn't working, and never will? Croak!!!

Bob once used to regularly go everywhere on the railways at one time, but now, their fares are so damned high, he can't recall the last time he went anywhere on a train. A guess that this is just another sign of the times, and it stinks! Croak!!!

That's it, all the hot air has been released for another week, so, I'll be back again real soon. Take care of yourselves...



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