Ifrogman ifrogman

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

What is it with you humans?

It's fairly quiet in and around the garden today, and yes, it is just a little on the chilly side too. If I knew what was damned good for me, I'd do the sensible thing and hibernate like all the other frogs. Ribbit!!!

If only my life was that simple, but it isn't, and why? because of the complications you lot confront me with. Now, take Bob... No, I'm not going to say it, and anyway, Bob's too nice a person to speak so flippantly about him. As I was trying to say, Bob goes about his life by living each and every day to the full. He doesn't do some of the stupid things that a lot of you seem to get up to these days. He doesn't drink, but then he doesn't want to, so... he's not like many of you who find that the state of happiness is totally illusive, unless that is you're getting blind drunk and as quickly and as often as you can. Humans seem to be caught up in what Bob terms as, a binge drinkers society, but for the life of me I cannot understand why? Croak!!!

I suppose that if the information I've been told is correct, then drinking moderate amounts of wine, spirits or beer is fairly okay. Unfortunately, today's youngsters are drinking like there was no tomorrow and to hell with the consequences. Jumping toads, what a load of crap!!! Tell me something, any of you... Where is the pride in knowing that you belong to a nation of the worst behaved drinkers in the whole world? Croak!!!

Just think of it... While you're pissed out of your brain and laying in the gutter, someone is going to come along, kick nine bits of shite out of you, rob you blind (taking all of your precious beer money, and whatever else they can find on you.) and you will simply oblige them by laying there quietly because you're not in a position where you're able to stop them. How damned clever is that? Croak!!!

The government and a lot of your peers would like to prevent you from drinking too much in the first place, but as everyone knows, the gov won't lift a finger to help you, why? it's simply because it makes billions out of the taxes you conveniently pay to them for getting drunk in the first place. Croak!!!

Of course, I also understand that drinking too much and too often will eventually destroy your liver, and also your brain cells, but then I remember that you were already brain dead when you started binge drinking in the first place. Get a life! Croak!!!

Still, when I consider all that's thrown at you humans, I can see why you lot take to the drink.
Is it any good for me to ask you all to take care of yourselves until next time? Stay safe... Ribbit!!!



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