Olympic Fiasco
Well, what can I say but I told you so... You humans are so trusting it's almost unbelievable. Croak!!! You know what, a toad is only slightly thicker in the lack of brains department than you humans are. I once spoke about the gullibility of you lot, and clearly, I was absolutely right! Ribbit!!!
I expect you're wondering where the Olympic games comes into what I'm going on about? Bob reckons that he's never known a time in British history when, if his memory serves him correctly, you lot are being led up the garden path. Thank goodness it's not my garden path. There are enough loonies around here as it is without having to put up with any more of them.
I don't seem to be able to understand your way of thinking? Why is it that when your government supported bid for the 2012 London Olympics, with funds that once stood at just under three billions of your pounds, it has now grown quicker than Bob's tomato plants? How can they justify what is currently a nine billions price tag in under two years, when there are still about five years left before the games start? Nothing for the games has actually been built yet, unless you count that monstrous carbuncle, the Millennium Dome? That's a giggle, Ribbit!!!
So, if I do my froggy calculations right, five more years equates to a blindingly huge increase in inflationary costs, it's surely going to see the overall price of these here Olympics, blossom to way over the eighteen billion pounds I predicted earlier this year? Croak!!!
S'cuze me while I take a dip in the pond, I've come over rather faint all of a sudden. You know what, I really don't know why I'm getting so concerned for you lot? You're adults, but you still do something stupid like this, well it's your mess, so clean it up. Ribbit!!!
Why is it that I'm not surprised to learn, when Bob told me, that those wealthy people who are behind the games, are all based in Monaco? Do none of you understand that it's just another means to avoid paying income tax. Seems to me that there's a lot of people going to make a hell of a bundle of money out of these Olympics, as many have already, while the rest of you dimwits will be wondering where all the money you hoped to get out of this has disappeared to? Croak!!!
Do you honestly think, by even the remotest chance, that these Olympic games are going to bring wealth and prosperity to Britain? Ah come on, even you aren't that thick, are you? I'll tell you what, if I'm wrong, I'll promise you here and now, I'll drink every fluid ounce of Bob's pond water. Now I can't say fairer than that, can I? I maybe a frog, but I am British none-the-less. Ribbit!!!
I still think that all of this money could have been put to much better use, than to feel proud about hosting a two week stint called the Olympic Games. Bob says that because of the ever spiralling costs of these games, many more worthy causes are being robbed of their share of the lottery money they should receive. Once again, I believe that this is your money they are taking? How can this be right? Bob says that when the war was over, you humans all pulled together and worked hard to make up for everything you lost. What a shame that you seem to have forgotten how to pull together...
A final word, once again Bob seems to have been at the scotch again, that's how I see it anyway. You see, he told me that when he said he saw an asteroid heading for collision with earth, he found it to be a dead insect on the front of his telescope lens. He's sorry that he once again got it wrong, there is a thumping great asteroid heading here. Well, at least it's been confirmed this time around. Croak!!!
That's all for now. See you next time,
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