Fraught with danger
This week I have to rely on something that Bob has experienced, since I wasn't aware that anything had happened at all. Although I watch over my progeny by standing guard beside the garden pond, I don't always notice when things happen during the hours of darkness. I make no apologies about my general behaviour, because after all I am a frog. Apparently, it was while it was raining last night, not a lot, but enough to make everything wet. From a frog's point of view, these wet conditions, when added to the hours of darkness, become the ideal time for young frogs to go out in search of a place of their own. No! no! I did not kick them out of their home, honest, it's just something that we amphibians do naturally when we change from tadpoles into frogs, and that's to go in search of new territory. Ribbit!!!
It was while Bob was putting out his wheely-bin last night, he almost ran over some of my progeny. Aaarrg!! The mere thought of such a thing fair turns my stomach over. Croak!!! It's why my young go out under the cover of darkness, they run, or hop, as the case maybe, for safety in other parts of the great beyond. Now, even though Bob's garden is big, well it's huge to small creatures like us, the number of frogs I help bring into this world is just too much even for Bob's modest green patch. As I was saying, the darkness also means that those tatty furballs often miss those trying to get away. Now that can't possibly be so bad can it? Ribbit!!!
The only point in me telling you all about this, it's because Bob knows that he would feel terribly bad inside, especially if, well... if he should accidentally flatten one of my young with his bin. Oooh, I'm feeling just a little bit queazy. Croak!!!
I'm going to talk about something else to take my mind off such upsetting thoughts. Have you lot seen that Asteroid I told you about last time? I'm only reminding you about it because I don't want any of you getting hit unexpectedly, then blaming me for not saying anything, okay? Ribbit!!!
Oh yes, Bob said that he's taken another photograph of me while I wasn't looking. Who is he kidding? Anyway, I've put it here with my message this week. Enjoy...

All of the sunshine we've been having lately, it's bringing lots more flowers into bloom. Unfortunately, and according to Bob, you humans are having to suffer another bout of foot and mouth. Now, I'm not wholly sure what this is, but it doesn't sound comfortable, that's for sure. I hope that it doesn't prevent you all from going into the countryside, cos it would be such a loss in view of the lovely weather we're all experiencing lately. Ribbit!!!
Sadly, that's all I can offer you this week, but stay bright, stay safe...
Oh Froggy! Potentially squished froglets! What a horrible thought - it's as bad, says Atyllah, as considering scrambled eggs!
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