Warning! Warning!...
With the beginning of a period of fine sunny weather, I would normally talk to you, my human friends, about how wonderful the garden is looking, or how that something exciting has happened during the past week. I don't know what to say, but bob has told me that something truly bad is going to happen, and quite soon, so I don't feel that I can talk about the garden. Croak!!!
Now, as a humble frog, there's very little I know, or frankly care about, when it concerns things outside my sphere of influence. Anything that is earthbound and governed by the laws of physics, comes within this domain, which is why I care so much about you humans. Of course, I realize that in you lot being human, you do get up to some pretty stupid things at times, but I usually put this down to the fact that you're still learning about what goes on around you and where you live. Ribbit!!
None of this is to say that we, the lower form of creatures on this planet, don't make mistakes, or aren't prepared to learn from them. However, in the time I've spent conversing with you, I have to admit that we do seem to be a whole lot smarter than you are. Ribbit!!!
Where was I? Ah yes, I argued with Bob for several days over something he had discovered recently, last weekend as a matter of fact. He told me to tell, or rather warn you about his discovery. I told him that you lot weren't ready to accept such a discovery, and that it was simply because you weren't rational enough to accept your fate. Bob reckons that as adults, you will act responsibly and not go and do something stupid. I explained that it wasn't the way I see everything concerning humans. Ribbit!!!
Well, I've had several of your days to think the matter through, and regardless of how I look at it, I still think that I'm right. Bob says that if I don't tell you about his discovery, he said that he'd evict me from his pond... Croak!!! That fairly brought a lump into my throat. To cut to the chase, I was shocked more by Bob's threat than anything else.
I'm sure that he doesn't really mean to do it, but what can a little frog like me do against a huge human being like him? Nothing, that's what. Okay, okay. Leaping toads, I'll tell them, only don't say that I didn't warn you. Croak!!!
On the night of the 28th, Bob was watching the skies through his super duper got bells and whistles on it, telescope. Apparently, he's very keen on astronomy. Personally, I like to keep my froggy form firmly on the ground, or in the pond as the case may be. Anyway, he says, and I've no idea what he's talking about, so I bank on you lot knowing something about those starry things way up there, that close to the stars known as Canis Major, sounds like one of those doggy things to me, sorry! He can't take a joke these days. Anyway, he, Bob, has discovered a tiny object he calls an asteroid. In fact, it's not really tiny, it just looks that way from here on Earth, actually it's several kilometres across, now that sounds monstrous to me. Are you still with me? You are, good! Bob says that it's being pulled towards Earth's orbit by Jupiter. He also said that there's a likely chance of it colliding with Earth in about fifteen days time. Now, I don't know about you lot, but this doesn't sound like a very nice thing that's going to happen. But hey, what do I know about these sorts of things, I'm just a frog. Ribbit!!!
Well, although I told you last time that a certain alien chicken was coming over to share afternoon tea with me and a few friends, she didn't arrive. I guess that perhaps she's also heard about this asteroid and wants to get well away from here. I can't say that I blame her, I'd go too if I could. So I'll say goodbye for now. So stay safe and mind how you go.
Now, as a humble frog, there's very little I know, or frankly care about, when it concerns things outside my sphere of influence. Anything that is earthbound and governed by the laws of physics, comes within this domain, which is why I care so much about you humans. Of course, I realize that in you lot being human, you do get up to some pretty stupid things at times, but I usually put this down to the fact that you're still learning about what goes on around you and where you live. Ribbit!!
None of this is to say that we, the lower form of creatures on this planet, don't make mistakes, or aren't prepared to learn from them. However, in the time I've spent conversing with you, I have to admit that we do seem to be a whole lot smarter than you are. Ribbit!!!
Where was I? Ah yes, I argued with Bob for several days over something he had discovered recently, last weekend as a matter of fact. He told me to tell, or rather warn you about his discovery. I told him that you lot weren't ready to accept such a discovery, and that it was simply because you weren't rational enough to accept your fate. Bob reckons that as adults, you will act responsibly and not go and do something stupid. I explained that it wasn't the way I see everything concerning humans. Ribbit!!!
Well, I've had several of your days to think the matter through, and regardless of how I look at it, I still think that I'm right. Bob says that if I don't tell you about his discovery, he said that he'd evict me from his pond... Croak!!! That fairly brought a lump into my throat. To cut to the chase, I was shocked more by Bob's threat than anything else.
I'm sure that he doesn't really mean to do it, but what can a little frog like me do against a huge human being like him? Nothing, that's what. Okay, okay. Leaping toads, I'll tell them, only don't say that I didn't warn you. Croak!!!
On the night of the 28th, Bob was watching the skies through his super duper got bells and whistles on it, telescope. Apparently, he's very keen on astronomy. Personally, I like to keep my froggy form firmly on the ground, or in the pond as the case may be. Anyway, he says, and I've no idea what he's talking about, so I bank on you lot knowing something about those starry things way up there, that close to the stars known as Canis Major, sounds like one of those doggy things to me, sorry! He can't take a joke these days. Anyway, he, Bob, has discovered a tiny object he calls an asteroid. In fact, it's not really tiny, it just looks that way from here on Earth, actually it's several kilometres across, now that sounds monstrous to me. Are you still with me? You are, good! Bob says that it's being pulled towards Earth's orbit by Jupiter. He also said that there's a likely chance of it colliding with Earth in about fifteen days time. Now, I don't know about you lot, but this doesn't sound like a very nice thing that's going to happen. But hey, what do I know about these sorts of things, I'm just a frog. Ribbit!!!
Well, although I told you last time that a certain alien chicken was coming over to share afternoon tea with me and a few friends, she didn't arrive. I guess that perhaps she's also heard about this asteroid and wants to get well away from here. I can't say that I blame her, I'd go too if I could. So I'll say goodbye for now. So stay safe and mind how you go.

The alien chicken sends sincere apologies - she was watching tv when the mug of a certain idiotic human leader appeared on the screen spouting his usual load of ridiculous claptrap again. She was so incensed, so intent on finally taking matters in hand that Novapulsian High Command arranged an instantaneous teleport right back to her home world. She's told me that when she calms down she'll be back and if tea's still on then yes, please and thank you.
I keep an open house/pond and the kettle is always on ;-)
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