Turning a blind eye
Leaping toads! What have you humans done to the weather this week? Ah, I hear some of you cry, it's nothing to do with us! Let me tell you something. As humans, you really do have a lot to learn, not only about life in general, but your responsibilities towards it too.
Bob tells me that some humans among you are out there protesting about the increase in air passenger traffic, and rightly so. Increased air traffic equals excess pollution. Fact. So, while all of you who choose to ignore this little fact are taking more flights than ever before, although I can't understand just why it's so, you are fast becoming the route cause of the amount of rain that falls these days. If, as I suspect you are, you have a lovely house that's situated on pretty level ground, you cannot then start moaning when your house floods and your belongings are having to be consigned to the local rubbish tip. It's your bloody fault! Croak!!! Were you aware that those of you who keep adding to the concrete parking spaces, are also contributing to these floods? When the ground is prevented from acting as a soak for all this extra rain that falls, it has nowhere else to go except inside your homes. Don't say you haven't been warned! Croak!!!
We frogs know a thing or two about life, far more than you humans it seems. I hear that your post persons are going through a period of strikes, why? Because like everyone else who is on good money, it's never enough is it? The main problem with the way you humans think is as follows: You only ever see what it is you've got. You don't appear to be bothered about others who have less. How damned selfish and inconsiderate can you lot get? Croak!!!
It's one thing where the general public act like morons, which seems to be quite often, but something else altogether when your civil servants behave in this lunatic manner too. Bob, in all his wisdom, has just seen something on his television that defies human sensibility. Your government has a website, amongst many others, which allows anyone to access private and confidential information that could be, and probably is for all I know, used to create new fraudulent IDs for those bent upon ruining thousands of lives. This website, http://www.landregistry.gov.uk/, makes available private addresses, their owners names, mortgage payments, signatures and goodness knows how much more besides, and all for the princely sum of three of your pounds. Now, I don't know about you lot, but here is a wonderful source for creating new IDs, courtesy of your kindly civil servants, and a veritable means to running up huge debts to the tune of thousands, possibly in your name. And somehow, your caring gov doesn't think that the crooks will take advantage of this and use this service. What kind of fruitcake thinks like this? Are they mad? Can these people be trusted by you all? Talk about turning a blind eye... Croak!!!
My goodness, and some people think that a talking frog is crazy. Well, not from where I'm sitting.
I thought that you may like to see some of my progeny this week. It's not a very good picture, but then Bob's getting a bit shakey with his camera. Pity really, if only he'd let me take a few. He says that I'd most likely drop his camera in the pond, he's probably right. ;) Ribbit!!!

That's about it for this week, stay bright, and please stay safe...
Bob tells me that some humans among you are out there protesting about the increase in air passenger traffic, and rightly so. Increased air traffic equals excess pollution. Fact. So, while all of you who choose to ignore this little fact are taking more flights than ever before, although I can't understand just why it's so, you are fast becoming the route cause of the amount of rain that falls these days. If, as I suspect you are, you have a lovely house that's situated on pretty level ground, you cannot then start moaning when your house floods and your belongings are having to be consigned to the local rubbish tip. It's your bloody fault! Croak!!! Were you aware that those of you who keep adding to the concrete parking spaces, are also contributing to these floods? When the ground is prevented from acting as a soak for all this extra rain that falls, it has nowhere else to go except inside your homes. Don't say you haven't been warned! Croak!!!
We frogs know a thing or two about life, far more than you humans it seems. I hear that your post persons are going through a period of strikes, why? Because like everyone else who is on good money, it's never enough is it? The main problem with the way you humans think is as follows: You only ever see what it is you've got. You don't appear to be bothered about others who have less. How damned selfish and inconsiderate can you lot get? Croak!!!
It's one thing where the general public act like morons, which seems to be quite often, but something else altogether when your civil servants behave in this lunatic manner too. Bob, in all his wisdom, has just seen something on his television that defies human sensibility. Your government has a website, amongst many others, which allows anyone to access private and confidential information that could be, and probably is for all I know, used to create new fraudulent IDs for those bent upon ruining thousands of lives. This website, http://www.landregistry.gov.uk/, makes available private addresses, their owners names, mortgage payments, signatures and goodness knows how much more besides, and all for the princely sum of three of your pounds. Now, I don't know about you lot, but here is a wonderful source for creating new IDs, courtesy of your kindly civil servants, and a veritable means to running up huge debts to the tune of thousands, possibly in your name. And somehow, your caring gov doesn't think that the crooks will take advantage of this and use this service. What kind of fruitcake thinks like this? Are they mad? Can these people be trusted by you all? Talk about turning a blind eye... Croak!!!
My goodness, and some people think that a talking frog is crazy. Well, not from where I'm sitting.
I thought that you may like to see some of my progeny this week. It's not a very good picture, but then Bob's getting a bit shakey with his camera. Pity really, if only he'd let me take a few. He says that I'd most likely drop his camera in the pond, he's probably right. ;) Ribbit!!!

That's about it for this week, stay bright, and please stay safe...
Humans, Froggy, are both daft and scary. They're also greedy and myopic. Frankly, I don't see much hope for the species - nor for any other species if humans are left in charges. I think it's time for a revolt, because humans are just getting to be too revolting...
Delighted to see the offspring - tell them to mind out for the wheelie bins when they finally leave home - oh, and motor cars - dangerous to frogs those, very dangerous!
Even without humans, the world is still a pretty scary place. As for motor cars, I don't think I've seen one of those yet.
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