Honest froggy
Have you noticed the colours that are here with the onset of autumn? Such beauty, I never tire of looking around the garden when nature decides to paint everything in such captivating hues. Damn it! I'm going all soft on you. Ribbit!!!
Well, I've noticed that during the past week, Bob has been busy planting bulbs in the garden. I haven't the heart to tell him that those juicy fat slugs enjoy eating them. Anyway, he says that he wants to welcome in the spring with a riot of colour, bless him. Ribbit!!! He told me that he keeps on having to step lightly when he's working. Apparently, my off-spring have been enjoying the weather lately because it's providing them with lots and lots to eat. You see, they're all getting ready to hibernate, and quite frankly I don't blame them. As small as they are, they need fattening up to ward off the cold temperatures of winter when it comes. I'll have to do likewise this time around.
This presents a bit of a problem where I'm concerned. Who is going to watch over you humans if I'm tucked up somewhere snug and warm? Croak!!! The thought sends shivers through my skin. Yes, I know that you lot think you're capable of looking after yourselves, but honestly, have you stepped back and taken a good look at what you're doing, lately? I didn't think so, Croak!!!
I spend a lot of my time listening to what Bob has to tell me about you humans, believe me, a frog like me can get all choked up when he hears it. Honest froggy, I do care about you, but your lives, well it beholds me to tell you so, you're all going to the dogs! You continue to put so much faith in material things, I'm both shocked and hurt too. Croak!!! It's like I once told you all, you can't take it with you when you croak it.
I have learned that even your postal workers seem to have ignored the signs in front of them. Striking is the very last thing that any of you wants to do. Bob wonders why it is that it's always the union leaders who want to strike, yet it's rarely them who actually do the postal work anyway. He says that more often than not, they sit in their warm offices drinking countless mugs of coffee most of the time, then just come out to picket when there's a threat of a strike. You know, members would much rather work. Oh yes, Bob is talking from experience... Ribbit!!!
Humans, being what they are, rarely give a damn about each other. It's a toad eat toad world out there, which means that if the post office doesn't get its workers back where they should be, delivering the mail, people are going to find other means to send their precious packets, etc. Compared with the pre PC era, everyone now sends their messages via email, so, the PO is already feeling the effects of this happening. It's time to sack that mister Crozier. I take it that he's still got his job? Croak!!!
Did you know? I've been having problems of my own just lately. Yes, really! It's those tatty furballs. Right when you think that it's safe to come out from under a leaf and enjoy your life, suddenly there's one of those mangy furballs spitting, hissing and grinning at you. It's simply not fair! Croak!!!
Well, that's all for now, stay safe, look after yourselves and I'll be back with you all again real soon, Ribbit!!!
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