It's not all doom and gloom
While I've been standing guard over my progeny, Bob tells me that many of you have been running around like so many headless chickens lately. Apparently, it has something to do with one of your banks finding itself in financial difficulties. Good grief! It's only money you know. Ribbit!!! Despite what you humans think, there are things in life that are far more important than money. Oh! I'm sorry, but I forgot. Most of you plan to take as much of it with you as you can, when you go to meet with your maker. Geez!! And I thought I was a bit dumb...
Before you lot set me going, I wanted to show you a photograph of one of my growing progeny. Isn't he handsome? Just like his father :) ...Ribbit!!!

Now to get down to the nitty gritty, well, it is to a simple frog like me. Ribbit!!! Your government, bless their well intentioned little hearts, has once again been carping on to you lot about the green house effect and global warming. Aren't they always? Croak!!! Well, as usual they are always quick to place the blame squarely on your shoulders, and by this I'm talking about the consumer market and how you lot continually leave things around your house on standby. They tell you that it's contributing to global warming, and to be perfectly fair, it probably is. However, I must tell you that they should firstly place the blame on the manufacturers, not the humble consumer. Why? It's obvious, you can only buy what the manufacturer makes, and if they can't take control over what they make and stop building these standby modes into their stock, then the blame is solely theirs and theirs alone. Ribbit!!!
You humans are continually being told to put a stop to the causes of global warming, and so you should, and yet your government does absolutely nothing to make sure that this actually happens. They support the building of larger airports, which will put yet more planes into the sky, one of the worst causes of global warming. They give the okay to car/vehicle manufacturers to construct more and more gas guzzlers, thereby supporting the hypocritical oil industry, one of the worlds worst polluters of all. Oddly enough, they once again put the blame squarely onto your shoulders in all of these things, and yet in all honesty, they are the people who have the real power to put a stop to it all. Of course, they'll also keep on harping on about the fact that unless something is done to curb these things, the world is going to be in a hell of a state come 2050. Really? So they think you're all going to be okay until then? I don't think so! Croak!!! Lets face it, if global warming doesn't ruin this planet, then the asteroid that's on its way here most certainly will. Croak!!!
What with all you headless chickens(sorry Atyllah, no offence :)) running around, there appears to be a hell of a lot of sheep joining them as well. You humans should learn to speak up for yourselves, for your children and their children too. Your government isn't going to do anything for you, and why? Simple, they are far too busy feathering their own nests, rather than to be bothered about the idiots who were dumb enough to put them into power. This is politics for you. Croak!!!
Have you noticed lately that there's a bit of a chill in the air? Autumn is on its way again. I do hope that the winter weather isn't going to be as bad as the summer was. Croak!!
Well, that's about all for this week. Stay safe and I'll be back with you all again next time,
You made me smile today. Love your style of blogging. As Arnold Swazanager would say "I"LL be Back"
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