Carbon Off-setting, The blatant lie.
I've decided to split this weeks blog into two parts, such is the content of what I have to say, so here goes...
According to what Bob has told me about the weather on a world wide scale, humans are up the proverbial creek without a paddle. He says that your media often speaks about how bad the weather has been both here and around the world, but neglects to mention that it's all due to global warming. Croak!!!
What you humans should be asking yourselves is: why are they avoiding to report the truth about the planet's weather systems? Oh, of course! It's all because you lot believe in what they call this money making plan called, carbon off-setting. Do you really believe what these idiots are telling you? Can't you believe in what your own eyes are telling you? Tornadoes, squalls and floods galore. What more needs to engulf your lives before you truly believe in what's happening out there, not only all around you, but elsewhere on this planet of ours? Croak!!!
Now, even as a humble frog I have to admit that I haven't heard of a much better, nor more lucrative money-spinning idea than that of Carbon Off-setting. It's a beauty! Ribbit!!! I once said that there are more gullible people living in Britain than anywhere else in the world, and clearly, I was absolutely correct. Ribbit!!! I'm right simply because you humans are dumb enough to believe that by growing a few trees, or call it thousands, or whatever, if it makes you feel better, that this will compensate for all that deadly carbon you insist on pumping into the atmosphere. Toad shite! If you believe this, then there really is no future for humans on this planet. The real truth is this: put a stop to your carbon emissions and do it today, or suffer the results of your selfish folly. Croak!!! Look at the signs around you. Are you one of those people who were sadly flooded out? Or, perhaps you lost the roof of your house or garage this week? Well, you're going to see a whole lot more of it happening in the future, if you don't do something and act against it, NOW!!!
Honour, Does It Mean Anything?
My second blog lines concern the honesty of your government. Bob tells me that he watched a programme on his television last night and it shocked him to the core.
This programme, Dispatches on Channel Four, informed him about the truth behind what your politicians are getting up to behind your backs. Of course, most of you now know that your pensions were stolen from you by a quick change in parliamentary laws when Labour came to power. And yet how many of you realise that when they took your pensions, they gave themselves incredibly fat pensions in return? These pension of theirs are being paid for by you, the tax payer. Croak!!! Is this truly honest and fair?
Worst of all, it's the fact that your politicians are buying second homes with their allowances, getting mortgages that once again are being paid for by the tax payer, YOU! If they sell off these properties, they can keep the profits too. Once again I'm proven to be right about what these politicians are doing. Now, whilst every single politician is not grabbing everything they can for themselves, there are a lot who are on, or near the front bench, who damned well are. They call themselves honourable gentlemen and women, and yet from where I'm sitting, I see very little that goes on in parliament as being truly honourable. Croak!!!
You're probably thinking that there is nothing you can do to stop this, and to be honest, some of you simply don't care. Well, those of you who do care, you can show your displeasure by showing a vote of "no confidence" in your government. And please don't think that by voting one of the others into power, all this will change, cos it won't! So, when the next round of elections, local or national, come around, simply Don't vote!!! Of course, you can remain anonymous by going to the polling station and putting your ballot paper in the box, but just don't mark it. Only by doing this, will you put a stop to these incredibly unfair actions by certain politicians. After all, aren't these people voted into office to act on your behalf? They certainly weren't voted in so that they could just feather their own nests. Can you honestly say that they have ever done something good for society as a whole? Croak!!!
Remember this: Voting, or not voting, it's the only power you have over these people and what they do...
Well, I've let off enough steam for this week, so, stay safe and I'll be back with you all again real soon,
Ah, Froggy, what does one say - humans are greedy first and short-sighted second. When it came to enlightenment and true intelligence they were at the back of the queue while Mr and Mrs Bacteria and their cousins the Viruses were at the front. There's no hope, I'm quite sure of it. Why do you think Atyllah gave up and went back to Novapulse?
Oh, hum! Your description of humans is right on the button, but it's also sad at the same time. Humans have the ability to perform the kindest of acts, and yet... They tend to slip into petty mindedness with an attitude that shows very little by way of caring for others. Hope? I live in the hope that humans will change eventually.
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