Ifrogman ifrogman

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Loyalty? You want loyalty, then buy yourself a dog

The more I interact with humans, the more I'm getting to understand what it's like to be human. From what Bob has told me over the time I've grown to know and like him, I'm now pretty certain that to be human, it's to be greedy, selfish, mean, cheating, a liar and downright dishonest. I know, you think I'm wrong don't you? But read what I've got to say on the subject first, then I think you'll agree that as a frog, I've got it right. Ribbit!!!

Bob says that when the Thatcher government was in power, they did everything they could to undermine the true British way of life. What is worse, the present government appears to be taking over where the Tories left off. Firstly, they blamed the unemployed for the state the country was in. This is happening again. Of course, what they shamefully neglected to tell you, it's that it was their party which was responsible for growing numbers in unemployment anyway. Then, the Tories sold everything that actually belonged to you by right, the voting people of this land, and what's more, as national assets that were yours, you didn't benefit one single iota from any of these sales. Those energy and water companies, they were yours. BT Britain's huge and sole communications company, it belonged to you as well. You didn't get a single penny of any of this money, and what makes matters worse, they sold all of them off very cheaply, this was so that their wealthy friends could go out and buy up as many shares as they could damned well afford. In fact, they gave your tax money as sweeteners, incentives if you like, just to make sure that these companies would have investors take more than just a close interest in buying them. These are the people who now benefit from what was once yours, certainly not you! Croak!!!

When Thatcher left her government position, and remember, she left it in a state of ill health, she was rewarded by becoming a Baroness, yes, can you believe it? Seems that the Labour party are continuing with these good old traditions. When anyone does something wrong, and unlike you, Bob and just about everyone else who fits this bill, they are rewarded, whereas you lot would be punished in some way. Perhaps a loss of your position at work? Or, if it's serious enough, they'd put the police onto you. Croak!!! Don't believe me? Well, remember what I told you in my 'Pulling the wool' Blog? Of course you do! That head of Revenue and Taxes, I told you that he come up smelling of roses despite having committed a real gaff, well he has. He's working elsewhere in your government on a salary of nearly a quarter of a million pounds per year. How sweet is that? Not bad for someone who was responsible for losing your precious and highly confidential information. Croak!!!

What else has been happening in recent years? Well, I wonder what your thoughts are about these companies who first sack their workforce, then move their manufacturing infrastructure to Poland, China or some other country that caters for those who unfortunately work as slaves. It's little wonder that what they manufacture turns out to be crap. And I ask you, what do these workers get from their slave labour? It's the sort of money you'd spend on having a good night out every week of the year, and little more. But to these workers, who are human beings with families just like you, it represents a months or even several months pay. Do not tell me that you'd work for the same pay they get, because that would be a downright lie! Furthermore, these companies, who decided to kick you out and onto the dole, and do it for whatever excuse, now want, no, they damned well expect you to support their business and buy their mangy products, and all at vastly inflated prices. Bloody cheek! I say, boycott these companies and do it now. Croak!!!

You know, I keep on hearing about companies in this country who are forever harping on about loyalty. Well, just on the off chance that someone from one of these companies is reading this, although I sometimes doubt that they can actually read anyway, I'll spell it out to you. If you want loyalty from your employees, pay them extra for it, if not, then buy yourself a bloody dog. Those people who work for you, do so in order to make something of their lives. They work hard and do so in order to pay their bills, go on holidays, buy a house and a car and so on. They do not work from a misguided sense of loyalty towards you. In fact, they most likely don't give a tinker's cuss about you. So, in future, if you want loyalty, don't forget that dog... Or start paying your workers for it, okay? Ribbit!!!

Well, that's enough ranting and raving for another week. Since you'll no doubt be celebrating Christmas next week, I'll be sure to find you some other ripe comments on your human way of life. Stay safe, do have nightmares and I hope you'll come and see me again next week...

Froggy ;)

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At 8:14 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Froggy, dear, in my brief stopover to wish Vanilla for the silly season, it strikes me that things have gone from bad to worse on this benighted planet your species is unfortunate enough to have to call home. No, wait, I take that back, it's not the planet that's the problem, it's those wretched humans - as your post so eruditely and eloquently points out.

That Thatcher woman was a baggage of note and I think it might have been no bad thing if they'd locked her in a dark room with Granny Were at full moon and thrown away the key!

As for this loyalty lark, and cheap labour, humans really have some very screwed up values. That is why, of course, we pulled all Novapulsians from the planet, we realised we simply had to let humans get on with it. If it's any consolation, the Higher Orders are working on a plan to remove all non human life from the planet - we believe you all deserve so much better.

Happy Hibernating
Your old friend,
Atyllah the Hen


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