Ifrogman ifrogman

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


There doesn't seem to be a single day in which we don't wake up to be confronted by one sticky revelation or another. Is it my imagination, or is the news always full of the annoying antics of these so-called responsible people, people who have highly ranked positions within the public eye? No matter how we all look at it, it appears that the country's always getting screwed by one of them.

Trust, this is something that appears to count for absolutely nothing at all these days. One minute we hear that a member of the Labour government has failed to disclose vast sums in donations, now, we discover that the Tories are at it too. It's odd, but if shall we say, a woman with several children who for some quirk of fate are all hungry and have no money, goes to her local supermarket and steals a tin of beans, a loaf of bread and perhaps some fruit, and then gets caught on her way out for not paying for those goods, she will be fined perhaps one hundred pounds or more for stealing goods to the value of around say, one pound fifty. Now, I'm not saying that what she did was right, and in fact it isn't, but the end result gives us all an insight into the way the law works in this country.

The unfortunate woman is fined a great deal more than she can ever possibly afford to pay out, considering she was forced to steal in the first place. Oh, and before you start to get self-righteous, there are thousands out there that find it extremely difficult to make ends meet. On the other hand, these government officials, all of which are in the public eye and are supposed to be both trustworthy and law-abiding citizens, can virtually get away with breaking the law, the offence often involving tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of pounds. These people may, or may not lose their jobs, but even so, they often get a job elsewhere in government, so they still come up smelling of roses. Now, which do you think has been punished the most for their crime?

According to the news concerning Northern Rock, the British taxpayer is going to be expected to bail out its shareholders. Hey! Did any of us ask them to put their money into Northern Rock? As everyone who has got any sense knows, shares go down as well as up. Why is it that we ordinary people have to give our money to prop up their damned losses?

You simply cannot trust anyone these days, least of all anyone who works in the government. MPs have never worked for the benefit of the voter, and if you think they do, then you're a pretty sad kind of person. MPs are only concerned about themselves and what they can get out of being an MP, nothing more, that's politics for you. I over-heard two elderly ladies speaking rather loudly a few days ago, where they were saying that they'd never vote again. It seems that they were sick and tired of being constantly let down by this government. I personally think that many people in this country are fast beginning to feel the same way these days. Trust, politicians don't know the meaning of the word...

Well, I'll catch you all again next week, where I doubt that much will have changed, except that we'll all be asked to pay for someone else's folly. Bye all....

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