The consumer is king
You know what? It's not only the human world that gets a bit hectic, occasionally, my world suffers too, Croak!!! There are so many of my young that survived from last year wandering around the garden, I was afraid that there may not be enough food to go around. Once again, the weather has been somewhat drier than usual, and this means that slugs and snails have gone into hiding. Croak!!! Yes, a frog's life is not as easy as it may seem to be.
Anyway, enough of my whining for now, because as usual you humans are up to your necks in difficulties. Bob says that the credit crunch is making everyone suffer, but then I'm not surprised to learn of this. Did you realise that due to the greed of Banks, Building Societies and other financial institutions, those who were stupid enough to buy into the housing market at all cost, are making the whole of your society suffer by creating problems for everyone, and it's all simply because of their own personal greed. People like Bob who don't have a mortgage tied around their necks, are being made to pay for the mistakes of those who have. Humans, you simply can't trust them. Croak!!!
Today, I believe it has been announced by your government that they are bribing local councils, and this is the way you must look at it, to have the worlds most dangerous toxic waste buried in their own back yards and be financially rewarded for doing so. I bet it won't be buried under London's inhabitants to worry about? Haven't you humans learnt anything about nuclear waste? It can remain active for thousands of years, which is probably more than I can say about the materials it will be encapsulated in. How do you suppose the generations to come will look back on you lot from the twenty-first century? They will curse you, that's for sure. Oh, and what do you suppose will happen to the water table that's so important to human life? I can see contamination running amok, and not necessarily in the distant future either. Croak!!! At least you humans will develop a rosy glow to your complexions. Ribbit!!!
From what I understand, the world's oil barons have got society by the short and curlies. What I cannot understand, is why? Have you never heard that the consumer is king? You know, if you thought as one, instead of going around like so many headless chickens, my apologies to Atylla ;) no offence intended, you could do something about the price of oil. Look, what makes these oil barons so wealthy? It's certainly not by leaving the oil under the ground. Even they need to sell it at some time. If you lot broke this dependency on oil and its by-products, they wouldn't be so smart-arsed about making you pay a ransom for it. What makes the whole world of oil stink like a skunk on the warpath, it's that so many world government leaders are up to their armpits in deals that makes them want to keep the price artificially high. That mister Bush is one of these people. Croak!!!
What can you do, I hear you ask? Lots of things. Stop making all those unnecessary car trips. Walk instead, or take the bus. Walking will probably add years to your life, and taking the bus is easier on the pocket and it's more sociable too. Oh yes, and stop globe trotting by plane. The world was a lot cleaner before these cheapo airlines came along. If you must take a sunny holiday, the sort of money you pay out for all that globe trotting, would enable you to chase the sun anywhere in Britain. The last time I was informed about this, Britain is becoming as hot in places as anywhere on the coast of Spain. And besides, are you happy to have your holidays spoilt by the drunken louts who don't give a damn about what the Spanish think about Britons? Start doing your bit now, don't wait until those oil barons push up the price of oil so high that you can't afford to buy anything else. They don't give a shite about you, so why should you give a tinkers cuss about them? Ribbit!!!
Think, before you leap, I always do ;)
Hope to be back soon,
Labels: Credit Crunch. Mortgages. Greed. Oil Barons. Housing Market. Consumerism. Globe Trotting.
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