That's Politics For You Humans
Yes, you humans don't mess about when it comes to politics, do you? I've heard about the 10p tax fiasco, but then who hasn't? However, something that seems to be the thing that makes you tick, it's your strange attitude about how politics work, in other words, you'll believe anything. No? Then why is it that you think that by voting for another political party, everything is suddenly going to get better? If you believe this, then you lot are ready to believe just about anything. What a sad lot you are. Croak!!!
Another thing I'm completely unable to get to grips with, it just why 12 million Brits should have so much power over the rest of you, all 48 million of you? Bob says that you're in the midst of a credit crunch, well, not from where some of you stand. These 12 million are those who have mortgages to pay. Now I don't know about you personally, but those without mortgages are NOT having trouble acquiring credit if they want it. Of course, if the media has its way, the credit crunch affects the whole country. I don't think so! The media knows more about spin than a politician. Ribbit!!!
I'm not sure whether you are aware of this or not, but when some of you are up to your necks in debt, many others are doing very nicely indeed. Now, if I return you to what I was saying at the beginning about politics, you'd think by now, and after living through the nightmare years of Thatcherism, you people that have grown tired of Brown should know better. Why? Because once a Tory, always a Tory! They do not have the interest of the, dare I say it? Working Classes, at all. And if you foolishly think that they care about you, just wait until they begin giving the chop to all the good things the Labour party have done for the lowest paid. Do I need to remind you again, I told you so! Croak!!!
As Bob would say, you can't knock sense into someone who can't understand what it's all about in the first place. Anyway, Politicians are only concerned by what they can get for themselves. Like I told you once before, nobody who gets the sort of money these people get from being a politician, and understand what it's like for those who have to live on a pension, or even the minimum wage. Politicians get so much money, along with all those perks I spoke of recently, I'm surprised they even know what it's like to be poor in Britain, or that this country has its poor? Especially as many of these same politicians are wealthy in their own right. To be honest, they don't really give a damn. Croak!!!
So, while you're thinking of where your next mortgage payment is going to come from, it won't be from a Tory leader, of this you can be very certain. Croak!!!
I'd go hoping around the garden now, but there's so much Tatty Furbag shite laying around, I'm just going to have to take it easy for a while, at least until Bob dreams up a way of ridding the garden of those smelly little monsters. Anyway, I'm particular about where I place my delicate little feet. See you next time, your amphibian friend,
Labels: Credit Crunch. Politics. Thatcherism. Working Classes
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