Floral Interlude
Just for a change, I'm not going to ramble on at you humans this week. To be honest with you, I would normally have lots to say, but you never seem to want to listen to what is a lot of very sound advice. I wonder if you will ever learn that I've only got your wellbeing at heart. Ribbit!!!
As difficult as it is for me, I've been busy taking a few photos around the garden. It's not easy to hold on to a great big heavy camera, but I've done my best and here are the results.

One plant that brightens any garden, it's this Apple Blossom. Mind you, when the apples arrive, I've got to keep my eyes open and wits about me. A single apple falling at the wrong moment, and yours truly would become a flattened green guck. Croak!!!

Don't you just love this flower? The Red Campion is an absolute delight in spring time. Bob tells me that there are lots of these flowers in the valleys around here. He says that some of them are white. I'd really like to see that. Perhaps that he could take me to see them by putting me in his pocket? Ribbit!!!

This picture is of a flower that will turn into a berry during late summer. Bob told me what it is, but what with everything I've been up to lately, I simply forgot which kind of fruit it is?

My final photo on this occasion is of one of the early flowering Brooms with lovely pale cream petals. I can see these from where I usually sit beside the pond.
This picture taking is very tiring, so I'm going to get forty winks and rest my arms a bit.
I'll see you all again soon and I hope you'll enjoy the flowers in your garden, wherever it is. Oh! And remember, some of my friends will be enjoying your pond, that is if you have one? Ribbit!!!.
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