Media Lies…
Tell me something, where would you be now if you didn’t have a frog like me as your friend? Be honest now. I know that it’s hard to believe that a simple frog could be the best thing in your life since the advent of sliced toad, oops, sorry, I mean… bread. But I’m truly only here to help you in anyway I can and for your good. Ribbit!!!
One of the greatest problems faced by humans today, it’s knowing who you can trust. You have all of those officials in government, and let’s face it, they’ve made the telling of lies as a kind of art-form, likewise the media who are supposed to report the news, not lie about it, or embellish it until it reads the way they want you to see it. Me, I tell it the way it is, and believe me, from what Bob has told me, along with what I’ve seen for myself, you need me to steer a clean and honest pathway through life for you. Ribbit!!!
Just recently, I’ve given you my views on this credit crunch you lot are supposed to be enduring. Well, let me inform you about this so-called gloomy economy you’ve got at present. Are you aware that you lot, the consumer, has been spending normally in the marketplace? The only difference between what you’re doing now, and what you were previously doing, it’s that you, if you’re British that is, spent more than £4.8bn in online sales during July this year. Does this sound like people caught up in a credit crunch? Of course it doesn’t. It’s rather that the human way to shop is beginning to change. Most of you are now shopping online, rather than spending on your high street, and why? It’s because you get better value for your money, and importantly, it’s a darned sight cheaper too, that’s why. Ribbit!!!
As I told you all recently, only those who took out mortgages they couldn’t afford to have, are currently suffering any form of credit crunch. Croak!!! The media appear to want you all to think that the general economy is jiggered, and to be honest, if you believe what they say, then the economy will indeed suffer as a result of their misinformation. The human economy relies on you spending your money. Your spending brings about growth in manufacturing and this in turn makes the trade in goods expand, bringing us in a full circle. If you stop spending your money, the economy will be heading for a big crash. Croak!!!
That’s it for this week. Chin up, it’s always darkest before the dawn. Believe me, I know…
I’ll see you all again next week… Bye for now,
Labels: Credit Crunch, Lies, The Media, Your Government
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