Ifrogman ifrogman

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Mountains of rubbish

While Bob was working in the garden a few days ago, he talked about the subject of weather forecasting, which to me sounds a bit like being able to order the weather that suits you the best. Apparently, it’s nothing of the kind. How sad is that? Wouldn’t it be so much nicer to have weather on demand? You could have it rain at night, which suits me because it would bring out the slugs by the millions, yummy! Then during the day, we could have lots of lovely sunshine to laze around in. Ribbit!!!

Sadly, this weather forecasting isn’t quite what it purports to be, and why not, I hear you ask? Well, according to Bob, your BBC weather forecasters should go back to using long bits of seaweed and a few pine cones. During the past month or so, the BBC hasn’t been able to get a single forecast correct. They forecast rain, we get sunshine. They forecast sunshine and we get rain. They forecast several days in advance, then on the very next day, this forecast has changed completely. Now, I don’t know about you, but they did a much better job of forecasting when they didn’t have all this fancy radar equipment they use today. Croak!!!

Have you noticed the mountains of rubbish that seems to be laying everywhere today? Of course, Bob says that if the supermarkets didn’t keep on wrapping their goods in so much plastic and polythene, then our streets and countryside wouldn’t look quite so filthy. Bob reckons that if the government was as keen on clamping down on these supermarkets and their wrappings, as they are about the amount you lot throw away, then society would benefit enormously by it. Ribbit!!!

According to one of your newspapers recently, the spot penalty for overfilling your rubbish bins, could reach up to £110. However, the spot penalty for chucking it directly on the ground, won’t go over £75. The government’s advice seems to be, chuck it on the ground, you’ll save yourselves £35. Croak!!!

Another piece of news from Bob, he says that if the motorists among you don’t reduce the amount you use your vehicles, the government will simply raise the price of fuel in order to counteract this problem. That’s good of them, isn’t it? Croak!!!

Well, I see that the Chinese are determined to carry on with hosting the Olympic Games, and all regardless on their record of human rights. What I cannot understand is this, why are sportsmen and women from the more civilized countries still taking part? Can it be that they don’t really give a rat’s backside about all those people who lost their homes, just so that the Chinese government could host these games in their capital city for two weeks? To me, it’s beginning to look like you humans are more greedy and uncaring that I had at first imagined. Have you no shame at all? Oh, of course, I forgot, you lot are doing the same thing in London in 2012. Croak!!!

Well, that’s enough of me for another week. I’m off to see what’s in the garden this evening. I’ll see you all again real soon...


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