Ifrogman ifrogman

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A fine mess…

While I was contemplating my day ahead, sitting as I was beside the pond, I recalled something that Bob told me about with regard to some of you humans. Apparently, some of you do care about your environment and the creatures that live in it. Thanks, good for you. He also says that life among humans can be a bit stressful at times, although he reckons that after what I told him about my way of life, he’ll never quite look the same way about his own from now on. Most of you probably think that I, being a humble frog, have a life that’s easy… but it isn’t! I face real danger from the moment I open my eyes, right up until I go to sleep again. Croak!!!

There was I lazing in the shade of a large tree just the other day, when I saw one of my progeny hopping around Bob’s fruit garden. Of course, he isn’t aware of the dangers like I am, but he’ll learn eventually, if he’s lucky that is. Anyway, instead of hopping into safety when danger threatened, he merely hopped onto a rock that was out in the open. Now, if there had been one of those long leggedy beasties, you know, the heron, well, he would have ended up inside the bird’s stomach. Fortunately, nothing untoward happened, so he’ll survive to see yet another day. Ribbit!!!

Anyway, as I was saying, life for us creatures is fraught with many countless and usually unseen dangers. If you humans could shrink yourselves down to my size and view my world as I do, then you would begin to understand what I’m going on about. Life is always a battle of wits, a fight against the odds, one where there is always another creature laying in wait to terminate one’s life. Take those furbags you lot call cats. You think they are cute and cuddly, but believe me, they are not. I’ve seen them pounce on unsuspecting birds, maim them, then play with the little things until they screech for mercy. Do the furbags show mercy? No, the hell they do. When they finish playing with their prey, they give it to you as a gift by placing it at your doorstep. The same goes for frogs, toads, mice and just about anything else they find that’s so easy to kill. No, a frog’s life is far more stressful than you may think it is. Croak!!!

In spite of what I said last week, Bob reckons that the British landscape is being ruined by those who casually throw their rubbish away, rarely in the dustbin where it belongs, but on your streets, in country lanes, public parks, in other people’s gardens and in the beautiful countryside in general. He says that today’s society has given up caring for its surroundings. If this is so, then you don’t deserve to live in it. Croak!!! I bet that this is probably why there are so many more of those filthy rats on your streets and in your parks than ever before. Even I can’t fight against such fearsome critters, even if you think you’re hard enough and you can. I’ve seen your not so innocent progeny when they think you’re not watching them. They discard their litter without a single care or thought about having done it. These are the adults of the future, so how will they behave when they eventually grow up? I think that just like a lot of you right now, they still won’t give a damn and there’ll be rubbish everywhere, along with a plague of rats and diseases that’ll go with it. Croak!!!

It’s time I was off to get some dinner. Now, if I make it safely around the garden pond, I’ll hope to be back with you again real soon, bye….


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