Can you believe them?
If I am to believe the things that Bob tells me, then I’ve come to realise that you humans are a whole lot more devious than I first imagined you to be. Croak!!! I know what you’re thinking, that frog is off on his high and mighty horse again, but I’m not! Not everyone is tarred with the same toad, some of you do nothing but good throughout your lives. However, those of you who are in this category are as rare as hen’s teeth. You don’t believe me, well, when was the last time that you heard, or saw anyone perform a really unselfish deed? As I said, some of you can truly say that you have, and I really do believe you, honest! Ribbit!!!
Many of the poor in this country, Britain, will be wondering how they are going to pay their energy bills this coming winter. Of course, being a frog, heating, or even the lack of it is not a problem to me. I’ll be in the midst of hibernation, so it won’t matter either way. But let me draw your attention to the way that these energy companies have gained their win, win situation.
When the Tory leader Mrs Thatcher decided to sell off what you actually owned as a nation, she did so with her friends and fellow Tories in mind. How? It’s simple, she took what you owned, then sold it off on the cheap, making sure that you were restricted in the amount of shares you could buy, if you could actually afford them, but not so her Tory friends. They are the ones who are getting rich from the ever rising profits of these greedy energy companies, not you lot. Croak!!!
You want to know something else, I find it all rather odd in that you can be sold something that you already owned in the first place. Is this dumb, or what? You think not? So, if one of Bob’s friends was to come into your homes and them steal something of value from you, then later on sell it back to you, it would be okay would it? No, too right you wouldn’t. But, this is exactly what you allowed the Tories to do to you. Croak!!! The Tories know only one kind of society, and their motto is; Greed!
If you still need convincing, then let me remind all of you home owners, the ones who are finding it difficult to keep up with the mortgage payments, that those who put you in this situation in the first place, were rich Tory toads. Their concern was to make money from kidding you that your houses were worth much more than they really were at the time. Croak!!!
Which political party do you suppose these rich Bankers and Financiers support, the ones who sold you these mortgages in the first place? I can tell you, the Tory party that’s who. The Tory party in Britain today, and most likely since politics came into being, are only concerned by the amount of money they can make for themselves. Who first suggested that a fifty-thousand pound house could be worth up to two-hundred thousand? You can bet your life that they support the Tories. Croak!!! And, well like a load of sheep, you lot fell for this nonsense hook, line and sinker. I guess that you humans will never learn. You don’t seem happy unless you’re making someone else miserable. How sad. Croak!!!
Anyway, back to those who are having difficulty in paying their high energy bills because of the greedy shareholders. Your current, and seemingly useless government is suggesting that people who are having difficulties in heating their homes, should insulate their lofts. Fair enough, this helps. However, most houses in this country leak heat like a sieve during the winter freeze. This is because most people also have ill-fitting doors and windows, something that Bob says is never discussed by those government officials who think that they know it all. Crap! They don’t know diddly squat. Croak!!!
Another thing that has occurred to me is this, how do these energy companies know who is paying more than ten percent of their incomes, if those who suffer keep quiet about their needs? After all, there is such a thing as personal pride, and nobody wants to have to stick out their hand and announce that they need a charitable hand-out. Bob says that the government thinks that everyone should be able to heat their living rooms during winter, at a temperature of around twenty degrees plus, or so, with other rooms at eighteen degrees. They should all become comedians. Following this sort of advice would tend to see the poor becoming poorer and deeper in debt. If you can afford to heat your homes as they advise, then you are luckier than most. Bob says that he finds it difficult to keep temperatures much above ten or eleven degrees C during the worst of the winter months in his own home, so he should know something of which he speaks. He knows of someone who lives in a council dwelling that has loft insulation already. This same council offered to put in loft insulation, forgetting that they had already done so some years before, plus the fact that they had carried out a property check on this less than twelve months ago. To me, it doesn’t matter whether you are dealing with local or central government, they all act like they’ve got cotton wool between their ears. Ribbit!!!
I wish that I could speak to you all about better things, but to be honest, the worst is to come…
That’s it for now. I’ll see you all again next week… Bye for now,
Labels: Energy bills, Mrs Thatcher, The Winter Freeze, Tories, Tory
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