Ifrogman ifrogman

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

New Dawn

Can you feel it? There’s a freshness in the air today and it’s all due to the democrats winning the Presidential elections in the US of A. Bob tells me that he reckons that Britain will be able to act as allies once again with the states, standing shoulder to shoulder with them instead of following them around like some timid puppy dog, one that‘s lost the will to even take a bite at the postman it confronts on the front path. Ribbit!!!

Bob also says that eight years of Republican rule in the US helped them to get where they are today, in the crapper just like the rest of the world in fact. Of course, none of this is to say that this country, Britain, needs the Tories back in office, after all, the Tories are just as uncaring as the Republicans were for their country folk. Croak!!!

No, it just needs a fresh outlook on the British economy, and this means taxing the rich at a level that is in keeping with the levels that the majority of workers in this country are being taxed at. You cannot have a fair and equal society if the economy is based upon taxing the people unfairly. Anything other than this will nurture a society that’s going to fall apart, one where greed will be taken to the extreme. If you look at your human history, you will notice that your society has changed so very little since the French conquered Britain in 1066 nearly a thousand years ago. The rich remain filthy rich and in their greed to grab at even more wealth, they rob the ordinary hardworking people it governs blind. This is the kind of society that creates an underclass, one that nobody cares about in the slightest. Croak!!!

That nice mister Obama, he’ll consider the US as being a single nation of people, and this is quite unlike the former wealthy leaders like the Bush dynasty and how they treated their society. I’d truly like to understand how anyone could have supported McCain, when the Republicans had already let their country down. Not only this, but how could they trust someone who didn’t even know how many houses he owned and in a country where tens of thousands are losing theirs? Is the US of A full of people with countless homes to live in that they have perhaps forgotten about? What made them think that wealthy people like McCain would give a damn about jobs being lost? If the Republicans couldn’t fix their economy when they were in office, what makes their supporters think that they could do it if offered yet another chance to put things right? Indeed, to me this sounds like a case where McCain’s supporters are as well off as he is, in which case nothing would have been solved if they had won the elections. Croak!!!

All this talk brings me firmly back down to ground level once again. Why? Well you see, in the garden which is gradually becoming full to the brim with the frog population, I’ve been chosen… not willingly I might add here, to deal with the growing population of mangy furbags that haunts the garden. Hey! It can get pretty hairy around here during the sunny periods of the year. We had a vote, I lost and that is that. Croak!!!

Being a frog, I‘m small, cute and the local kids love to try and catch me, if they can that is. But honestly, I draw the line at being told that I have to confront several kilos of spitting fur, when all the other frogs are acting like chickens. I‘m all for an easy life and in any case, it‘s really a whole lot safer living that way.

I don’t know what on earth you humans are up to tonight, but I’d appreciate it if you’d let me get some peace and quiet. Ribbit!!!

So, until next time, take care and mind how you go…. Bye!


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