Pulling the Wool
The wind is howling around the garden at the moment and it has just started raining too, oh what a day. Croak!!! Bob informs me that following a rather chilly night tonight, the forecast for tomorrow is a bright sunny and possibly warm day in sheltered areas. Now this is something to look forward to having. Ribbit!!!
I see once again, that despite my own exciting week in the garden, you humans are up to your proverbial necks in problems. Bob says that all British party political leaders are now coming up with their own half-baked plans on how the current economic climate should be tackled.
On their side, and this is usual for members of the Tory party, mister Cameron has gone for a typical Thatcherite stance. This is one where the unemployed get the blame for everything, as usual. He suggests that the money spent on paying the unemployed, should instead be used to get about three-hundred and fifty thousand back into work. This is all well and good, but would you mind telling us, mister Cameron, what about the other one million three-hundred thousand, or are these just going to suffer as they have always done under future Tory party plans? Croak!!!
If you lot were to round up all the unemployed, about four million, and then sort out all the useless ministers and their over-the-top pay, which group costs the most for the British economy and the tax payer? Ribbit!!! Enlightening isn’t it?
Have you lot noticed, and this most likely applies to countries around the world, how the media always harps on about how the high street shops are not doing so well lately? This, as I see it, is just a way of adding fuel to the idea that the British economy is going downhill. Well this is not quite the truth. Far from it in fact. The real truth is that people are fed up with being cheated by the highly inflated prices that high street shops charge you for your goods. People have long since chosen to shop in comfort from their homes, where they can explore the excitement of online shopping without having to actually go outside to do it, and get tons of bargains at realistic prices and quite frequently, have it sent to them post free at the same time. To indicate just how true this is, online shopping has risen by 16.6 % to date, and this is from around six percent or so that was recorded last April. What our high street shops don’t realise is this, the internet has opened a whole new world of shopping and it’s here to stay. Get used to it. Ribbit!!!
I must congratulate that nice mister Obama for winning the US Presidency. Good for you… Ribbit!!! Now perhaps he’ll bring about the changes the people of the US deserve. If only the same thing could happen here in Britain…
I understand that your housing is now being described by some as being cheap and affordable (?), but not from the way I see it. Bob says that some houses and flats are being offered at half their original price, just so the speculators can sell them. Well, they are still greatly over-priced, since the asking price is still way above their true economic value. These people will still make big profits on their properties, even sold at the current price. What they don’t want to see, it’s being landed with a load of unsold property when the prices drop a lot lower than they are at present. As sure as day turns into night and vice-versa, property prices will eventually return to the level it was about seven or eight years ago. I know that a lot of you won’t like this, but I’m not the one who thought that a house could be worth up to ten times its original value, am I? Ribbit!!!
Bob explained to me that many councils throughout this fair land are turning off street lighting at night, no doubt in the hope to save money. Even so, I doubt that these savings will be given to those who have to support this barmy plan. I can understand that those in office would like all humans to conserve energy and reduce their carbon footprint. But on the other hand, what about all those high rise office blocks in cities like, London, Liverpool, Manchester, Southampton, Birmingham, Newcastle etc, etc, the ones which everyone can see are lit up like Christmas trees 24/7. What about their carbon footprint?
The way I see this it’s as plain as the day is long. Everyone, except those responsible for such a waste of energy, are being asked to lower their own in order to justify what the energy wasters are doing. What the councils are doing is just utter nonsense when put into context of what goes on around the country in general. Street lighting helps prevent crime, or didn’t they realise this? Thieves love the darkness, so forget your stupid ideas and throw some light on what is really going on. Perhaps if a few councillor’s homes were to get broken into, they’d have a sudden change of heart? Croak!!!
Well, that’s another week done with. Take care of yourselves and go safe in your business…
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