Ifrogman ifrogman

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

You talk, but they simply don’t listen

Unfortunately, due to the fact that my garden is asking more of me each day, from now on I will no longer be able to write this blog for Froggy while he’s hibernating. Well, let’s face it, he’s more in tune with what’s going on out there than I am. In the meantime, while you are waiting for dear old Froggy to return in the early spring, this little break will enable you to look back over his previous blogs and catch up with what the little green fella has been up to.

While watching the latest news earlier today concerning the economic crisis we’re all having to endure at the moment, our government seems to be somewhat overly eager to help all of these Banks, and possibly car companies that are suddenly pleading poverty, to push what is now trillions of our tax paying pounds, into their holed pockets. And yet for the life of me, I can see that there are no guarantees that this will actually help them get back on their feet, or save any jobs. To be frank, this action may have saved the banks, but then they put us deep in the shite in the first place. Why isn’t our government putting the money where it will do us all some real good?

I’m going to ask all you people out there a simple question. If our government has had so much of our money to give away, then why didn’t they use it to bring the energy companies back into public ownership? These companies are making real money, a hell of a lot of money according to my recent bills. At least this sort of action wouldn’t be a one way thing. We’d have money coming into the governments coffers, and in turn, we could all have darned sight cheaper energy, and all because the government is not there to make excessive profits as is happening at the moment. They wouldn’t be losing our investment either, which is certainly what they are doing right now.

Wake up Gordon Brown and listen to what we, the electorate, have to say to you. You simply cannot keep on pouring our taxes into a bottomless pit, just because you haven’t the foggiest idea of how to get us out of the crapper.

Unfortunately, and as far as our government is concerned, you talk, but they simply don’t listen, ever…. The days of boom and bust are over, well, the days of boom certainly are. What annoys me these days, among a lot of other things, it’s the continual whining we have to put up with from all those people who forget that during the Labour Party’s first ten years in office, they made a whole pile of money.

Unfortunately, these same people seem only too ready to forget how well they did out of the boom years. Because things are getting a bit tough, they want the rest of us to feel sorry for them. I don’t recall that any of the rest of us ever twisted their arms, telling them where to invest their precious savings. They should recognize that it’s greed that fuelled this period of bust, of which they played their part in it, and what’s more, they shouldn’t damned well forget it.

Our problems are only just beginning. I think that we will soon be hearing about more revelations concerning losses in the investment world. Just as with the banks, other financial institutions will be telling us that they too have lost billions in the coming months.

Now ask yourselves this. How is it that whenever schools, hospitals, public transport and many other important considerations ask for money, it’s never there. The Banks pile tons of their useless debt on all of us, and suddenly there is billions available to help them out. How can this be right?

I’ve said enough for this week, so until Froggy returns, goodbye and mind how you go…

Bob, standing in for Froggy

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At 5:01 am, Blogger Unknown said...

Nice blog. Enjoyed going through it. Keep it up the good work. Cheers :)Beth www.Iflorist.co.uk


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