European Union Blues
Isn’t it lovely to see and feel the return of spring once again. The leaves are unfurling, the flowers blooming, and the insects, my food, are taking advantage of this fresh new season. Oddly, and quite unlike certain members of your government, Bob has built his own duck house, although none have actually visited it as yet. Anyway, for the moment, I’m taking advantage of this floating masterpiece to compose my blog. Ribbit!!
Once again, I have to own up and say that I’m hopping mad. Why is it that humans always seem to believe in the things that they assume can do them the most harm, rather than in the opposite? Here, I’m talking about the European Union and those among you who advocate that Britain leaves it. In other words, they want the British to becomes isolated once again. Croak!!
Let’s get one thing straight. Leaving the union could turn out to be one of the most harmful events that the British could bring upon yourselves. Why? Because, among other things it will make doing business with the European market suddenly very, very expensive. I dread to think of the countless thousands of jobs that will be lost. All businesses that currently trade between themselves and the community, would suddenly find that they are no longer competitive with their former European market traders. As you are well aware, your manufacturing is already in tatters, unfortunately a legacy of the Thatcher years, and since then continued by the Labour party. Can Britain truly afford to isolate itself from Europe and go it alone? I really don’t think so, Croak!!.
On top of this, what is it about you all that drives you bite the hand that feeds you? How many very expensive community projects throughout Britain, have been completed to date, and every single one made possible only through your membership of the European Union? I can tell you that it’s thousands, and worth a total of hundreds of millions of pounds in EEC grants. Yes, this country does put a lot into being a member, but don’t forget that it also takes a whole lot out of it too. Ribbit!!
Many people today, scattered throughout all political parties, have never liked Britain entering the European Union. These people often talk about losing sovereignty, a poor excuse if you ask me, and since when has anyone had a hold over what the British government wants to do? Do you really want the old system to return, the one that saw you pulling out your passports every time you went from one European country to another? Have you any idea as to just how much the British would be hated by all the European states, if it was to actually pull out of the union at this time? This is already being discussed in certain European countries, and they are serious. Croak!!
I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again for those of you who missed it the first time round. Why do you think that Britain, or at least certain people within Britain, don’t want you to have the Euro? I’ll tell you, it’s partly because a great many very greedy people make money, pots of money, every time you leave and return to Britain on your holidays or casual visits, like shopping sprees, etc. Even more so, it’s when British businesses deal with the European states. The greedy people want the British currency to stay this way, simply because trading in currencies is worth millions to them. However, since the Euro is worth about the same as the pound in your pocket, you’d actually lose very little, if anything, from a change in the deal to take on the Euro. However, greedy currency dealers would have to look elsewhere to ply their trade. Ribbit!!
Perhaps it’s that you are one of these people who think that we should keep the pound, though technically, there is no advantage to Britons in doing so. Perhaps it’s that you like to look at the Queen’s portrait every now and again, if only to give you a sense of belonging? I should think that the only people who would fear, or be terrified by a change of currency, are those who stand to lose heavily by it happening. I mean to say, imagine that you are some kind of crook, and that you have millions of crisp pounds stashed away somewhere, a place that remains hidden from prying eyes. If a change of currency was to come about, you’d feel more than a little ticked off about it, now wouldn‘t you? After all, you could hardly wander into your local bank and casually ask them to change it for the new currency, now could you? The bank would have much more than a few questions to put to you, though it would probably coincide with the dulcet tones of our boys in blue, speeding round to help the bank with their enquiries. Croak!!
Seriously though, trading with others has been a part of social life for thousands of years, but suddenly, Britain, or certain people who live here anyway, find the need to stand alone in society. Britain’s economy cannot afford to go it alone, as they seem to think. Do you seriously consider that this country can survive on tourism alone, because this is about all that Britain has left to offer. Trade means jobs and security for everyone. Take that trade away, and the economy will most certainly crash. How do you think that you get along without jobs, or the means to live in society? Croak!!
Don’t believe anyone who tells you that Britain, and you lot, would be better off by pulling out of the European Union. These people would be among the very first to leave a sinking ship. Talk about European Union Blues... Ribbit!!
Labels: Currencies, Economy, EEC Grants, Euro, European Union, Jobs, Trade
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