Ifrogman ifrogman

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Going to the dogs

It's raining quite hard today, and to be honest, I didn't feel much like coming out from under the pile of rocks I call, home. Ribbit!!! Mind you, rain has the good habit to send my food to me, and this is instead of having to hunt around the garden for it. Of course, Bob is happy to have a spell of rain, especially as the garden has been drying up badly, with wacking great cracks appearing all over the place. He says that it's his fault, the cracks, that is. He neglected to put a good mulch over the bare soil. I did tell him, but like all of you humans, he failed to listen to what I had to say on the subject. That'll teach him. Croak!!!

I understand, from Bob's ramblings, that you lot have had yet another warning on your TV's about global warming, the green house effect and the loss of many of the world's ecosystems. Surely, I cannot believe that you humans are dumb enough to ignore all the signs? Can it be that you perhaps think that nothing will happen to you, and that life will continue like it has done for as long as you can remember? Croak!!!

There again, why is it that you believe what your government says, when it tells you that it's doing something to put a stop to global warming? Can a government which tells you this one minute, and the next that it proposes to agree to larger airports and increased air traffic, be fighting against global warming? If you said yes, I say, don't be so frigging stupid! Croak!!! You know what? Everything your government says should come with a health warning.

And what about these oil companies? They are the ones to hold the world to ransom with their ever increasing oil prices. Did you lot know that if you gave up driving your cars for a couple of months, the price of oil would plummet like a stone because they wouldn't be able to sell any of it? Yes, believe it or not, you consumers have the power to make the changes necessary for better living. The only trouble with this statement, it's that you won't give up your cars, even if it did mean cheaper fuel. Mind you, it's all this fuel usage that's partly to blame for all this carbon dioxide in the first place. Roll on the day when fossil fuels finally run dry. When it does, I'm going to throw a wild party... and you're all invited. I hope that you like a drop of slug juice, wing of fly or body of insect? Ribbit!!!

Enough of the warnings, everything is going to the dogs anyway. I'm going to hop around the garden, since the rain has stopped and it's now getting dark. Be good to yourself and be good to those around you. I'll speak to you all again next week. Bye!



Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Floral Interlude

Just for a change, I'm not going to ramble on at you humans this week. To be honest with you, I would normally have lots to say, but you never seem to want to listen to what is a lot of very sound advice. I wonder if you will ever learn that I've only got your wellbeing at heart. Ribbit!!!

As difficult as it is for me, I've been busy taking a few photos around the garden. It's not easy to hold on to a great big heavy camera, but I've done my best and here are the results.

One plant that brightens any garden, it's this Apple Blossom. Mind you, when the apples arrive, I've got to keep my eyes open and wits about me. A single apple falling at the wrong moment, and yours truly would become a flattened green guck. Croak!!!

Don't you just love this flower? The Red Campion is an absolute delight in spring time. Bob tells me that there are lots of these flowers in the valleys around here. He says that some of them are white. I'd really like to see that. Perhaps that he could take me to see them by putting me in his pocket? Ribbit!!!

This picture is of a flower that will turn into a berry during late summer. Bob told me what it is, but what with everything I've been up to lately, I simply forgot which kind of fruit it is?

My final photo on this occasion is of one of the early flowering Brooms with lovely pale cream petals. I can see these from where I usually sit beside the pond.

This picture taking is very tiring, so I'm going to get forty winks and rest my arms a bit.

I'll see you all again soon and I hope you'll enjoy the flowers in your garden, wherever it is. Oh! And remember, some of my friends will be enjoying your pond, that is if you have one? Ribbit!!!.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hey! What's new?

Isn't it lovely weather we're having just lately? What I like about it, it's that it provides me with a lot of my favourite food. I know, you lot are thinking that I'm always talking about food. Well, let's be honest shall we, you humans have a passion for food, you see it and you want to eat it. Bob says that there are lots of humans who love to pig out on chocolate, whatever that is? Anyway, Bob says that some of you can't let so much as a single day pass you by without that you have to scoff a big bar of this chocolate, and, so I'm told, a few need a fix of chocolate on an hourly basis. Wow! And I thought I knew a thing or two about eating... Ribbit!!!

My life has been a bit hectic lately, and it's all because there seems to be more of those damned tatty furbags prowling around the garden. You know, a frog's life is not an easy one. What is it about you humans and your love of all these creatures with four legs and fur? Do they look up at you and give you that pathetic look that says, buy me and pet me, I'm cute and want to be your friend? Believe me, they are only thinking about their stomachs. At worse, they'll go into your neighbours garden and crap all over their prize petunias. Furbags mean war, and believe me, I'm at war with these scrawny flea-ridden creatures. Croak!!!

Are you still enjoying your credit crunch? Serves you right for being so damned greedy. Bob was telling me why this came about in the first place, so, now I know why it is that you humans are round the twist. I want to ask you one of my questions, but only because I doubt that any of you truly knows the answer. Bob says that many of your banking institutions lost billions to the sub prime mortgage market. Well, I'm just a plain old common or garden frog, but even I fail to understand one very fundamental question in all of this. Bankers being what one would call highly intelligent financiers, people that know a thing or two more than the average human about money matters, right? Then why is it that they didn't understand one fundamental point in all this, the fact that those without money cannot possibly afford to keep up with mortgage payments that are obviously way beyond their means??? Croak!!!

Even I can put two and two together, um, it makes four, doesn't it Bob? There, he's nodding his head at me, so I must be right. Ribbit!!! All that I can say about this fiasco, it's that somebody somewhere made a whole heap of dosh on your stupidity. Even now, Bob tells me that there are lots of humans who want to buy their own houses. Are they mad, or what? Don't they realize that once you start paying for their house, it never stops? What happens if your roof gets damaged, who pays for it? Why of course, they do. Silly me! Who pays for the leaky pipe outside your house while it's still on your property? And who pays for new windows when the house needs them, or rewiring when the electrical system becomes faulty with age? Yep! They do in every instance. What is it with this British obsession about owning your own home? Why is it that you can't wait to buy one, or save for a deposit just like your parents had to do? In fact, why this need to buy one at all? Is it truly worth all that heartache when the Building Society or Bank takes it off you because you defaulted on the payments? I think not! Did you think that they'd give a damn that you're being thrown out on the street? But then what does a frog know about human behaviour? Probably more than you think. Ribbit!!!

You know, there are the good things in life. For instance, all this sunshine has brought out lots of flowers in the garden, Daffs, Broom, Forget-me-nots, Bugle, Speedwell, Lesser Celandine, Apple Blossom, Cowslips, oh! and not forgetting those ghastly Dandelion which seem to pop up when your back is turned. If the present warm spell is anything to go by, we should see a whole lot more coming into bloom quite soon. Ribbit!!!

Oh, and before I go, the first of my progeny for 2008 are taking their first swimming lessons in the pond, bless their tiny webbed feet. Ribbit!!!

I'll see you all again soon and I hope you'll enjoy your gardens, wherever they are.



Wednesday, May 07, 2008

That's Politics For You Humans

Yes, you humans don't mess about when it comes to politics, do you? I've heard about the 10p tax fiasco, but then who hasn't? However, something that seems to be the thing that makes you tick, it's your strange attitude about how politics work, in other words, you'll believe anything. No? Then why is it that you think that by voting for another political party, everything is suddenly going to get better? If you believe this, then you lot are ready to believe just about anything. What a sad lot you are. Croak!!!

Another thing I'm completely unable to get to grips with, it just why 12 million Brits should have so much power over the rest of you, all 48 million of you? Bob says that you're in the midst of a credit crunch, well, not from where some of you stand. These 12 million are those who have mortgages to pay. Now I don't know about you personally, but those without mortgages are NOT having trouble acquiring credit if they want it. Of course, if the media has its way, the credit crunch affects the whole country. I don't think so! The media knows more about spin than a politician. Ribbit!!!

I'm not sure whether you are aware of this or not, but when some of you are up to your necks in debt, many others are doing very nicely indeed. Now, if I return you to what I was saying at the beginning about politics, you'd think by now, and after living through the nightmare years of Thatcherism, you people that have grown tired of Brown should know better. Why? Because once a Tory, always a Tory! They do not have the interest of the, dare I say it? Working Classes, at all. And if you foolishly think that they care about you, just wait until they begin giving the chop to all the good things the Labour party have done for the lowest paid. Do I need to remind you again, I told you so! Croak!!!

As Bob would say, you can't knock sense into someone who can't understand what it's all about in the first place. Anyway, Politicians are only concerned by what they can get for themselves. Like I told you once before, nobody who gets the sort of money these people get from being a politician, and understand what it's like for those who have to live on a pension, or even the minimum wage. Politicians get so much money, along with all those perks I spoke of recently, I'm surprised they even know what it's like to be poor in Britain, or that this country has its poor? Especially as many of these same politicians are wealthy in their own right. To be honest, they don't really give a damn. Croak!!!

So, while you're thinking of where your next mortgage payment is going to come from, it won't be from a Tory leader, of this you can be very certain. Croak!!!

I'd go hoping around the garden now, but there's so much Tatty Furbag shite laying around, I'm just going to have to take it easy for a while, at least until Bob dreams up a way of ridding the garden of those smelly little monsters. Anyway, I'm particular about where I place my delicate little feet. See you next time, your amphibian friend,

