Ifrogman ifrogman

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Is this how human's are?

Is this how human's are?

This is coming to you from my warm and cosy little home in the garden, and only because there is still lots of nice juicy bugs for me to eat, am I able to delay my period of much needed hibernation. Ribbit!!!

It's odd really, but I've only just noticed that while Bob is keeping himself extremely busy around the garden, cleaning up the detritus of autumn, pruning and planting shrubs and the like, many more of you humans are not to be seen anywhere. I guess that not all of you humans have quite the same amount of pride in the green room that surrounds your homes? Ribbit!!!

Never mind, I want to talk to you about another particularly strange habit you humans seem to inflict on each other. It's almost as if you really didn't care for anyone other than yourselves. How is this possible I ask myself? Well, I guess that following a few choice words of wisdom from Bob, the answer is, it jolly well is if what he says is correct. Croak!!!

Apparently, I've heard that many of you are disgusted by the antics of those among you who, usually by no fault of their own doing, are currently finding themselves as being unemployed. Bob says, you all see these people as scroungers or spongers, a nasty blight upon your otherwise ordered society. Toad shite!!! What is not helping matters, is that your government, in their own misguided view is beginning to act in the way Thatcher's Tory party acted during the nineteen eighties, and this is after she had managed to put thousands of companies and small businesses out of business, so to speak. Now, it appears that Labour wants to blame the unemployed for being in this situation in the first place, and this includes those of you who think that you're better than everyone else. Bob once heard one of the female of your kind saying, these unemployed should be made to work for their 'miserly' fifty pounds or so, a week. Good for her! She probably scrounges off her wealthy husband anyway. Firstly, I very much doubt that she has ever had to live on such a pittance. Secondly, those amongst you who share her evil thoughts, need to be made aware of just how damaging this would be for the rest of you, if it was put into practice. Croak!!!

If the unemployed were forced to work for what very little they get, it would have a very nasty knock-on effect to every other worker in this fair land of yours. Why? Jeez, if you can't see why, then it's little wonder that this country of yours is in such a crappy state. I told you once before, but for the sake of those among you who chose not to head the ravings of a kindly frog, I'll explain it all again:

If the unemployed are forced to work for their benefits, though goodness knows why they call it a benefit? Then employers the length and breadth of this country, are going to sit back and revise the way they pay their current workforce, you lot. Tell me, why on earth should they pay the rest of you twenty, thirty, fifty pounds an hour and much more, when they can pick and choose from among the millions that make up the British workforce, and then pay them a whole lot less? From what Bob has told me, many of you humans are workshy anyway. You will probably know the type, forever using the work's PC's to scan the net, creating and sending email, etc when they should be working for the company and earning their damned wages. Croak!!!

With such a huge and skilled workforce to choose from, tell me why you consider that they should keep you on, when anyone who finds themselves unemployed and getting fifty quid would gladly take over your job for a whole lot less? They would most likely be pretty damned grateful to have it too. For those among you who aren't aware of it, there are very few humans out there who are unemployed by choice, and this is regardless of what self-opinionated idiots like you think, if you are one of these people that is. Oh, and don't forget, some of those who are unemployed are in this predicament because of their age. Ooh! That touched a nerve didn't it? Anyway, think of it, they may well have skills far better than your own. So next time you have bad thoughts about the unemployed, don't be so quick to start shouting off at the mouth, just because you think you're better than they are. You're not! Croak!!!

Realistically, there can never be one hundred percent full employment, and it's all because your society and the way the economy operates, make it entirely impossible. If it were possible, then wages wouldn't be anywhere nearly as high as they are today. And... many of you wouldn't be getting paid for doing absolutely nothing either, as lots of you are at the present time. So, the next time you read something, or hear so lame-brained idea coming from the government or the media about the unemployed, just think yourself fortunate that you've got a good job, because thousands are having to put up with your crap and live on low pay or benefits, even when they don't really want to. Croak!!!

Well, that's enough waffle for one week. Don't have nightmares, and stay safe... Ribbit!!!


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Pulling the wool...

Pulling the wool...

I've just had to endure a short period of that horrible white stuff, which I'm led to believe is called snow, urg! I'm usually hibernating at this time of the year, but once again I'm having to deal with the amazing antics of you humans. Croak!!! Let me rest for a while, please....

To quote a rather strange saying that I've frequently heard Bob shouting from time to time, Gordon Bennet!! What is it with you humans? Can't you lot ever do anything right? It's not that long since one of you lost some precious data discs that were in your charge, and now... leaping furballs, a government official has been and gone and done it again. Bob says, if he had done such a thing when he was working, he wouldn't have been given the opportunity to resign, he would have been sacked! But oh no, the Head of Revenue and Customs will walk away from his job smelling like bouquet of roses and not forgetting a nice juicy fat pay-off too, one that will likely be worth more than some third world country's GNP. Is this what you humans call being paid for your worth?

Of course, I haven't told you what he's done, have I? Well, just like the previous incident, his department has gone and lost a great heap of computer discs. I just happen to know what these things are. Worse of all, they contain the highly confidential detailed data records of over fifteen million children including their parents’ bank accounts, etc. It's another security breach (cock up) that points to your government's employees as being totally incompetent. Why the hell should someone be rewarded for their incompetence? Further, the department involved here has frequently ignored requests for help from the public, you. This was apparently done in order to hide the mess they are currently in. These are the very people who earn far more for what they do, than you can ever dream of getting as an income. Toad's Crap!!! Sack em all, that's what I say. Ribbit!!!

What on earth are these government officials going to be like once this so-called ID card is put into place? Someone is certain to cause a breach in the security that tries to keep all this data secure. What then? I'll tell you what then, you are going to have your ID's stolen, your money stolen from your bank accounts, and your lives put on hold, possibly ruined forever.... And the government will turn around and say...Sorry! Shite!!! You simply cannot trust vital systems to people like these. They will lose nothing but their pride, which they have very little of anyway, but you lot will lose it all. Croak!!!

Now, as if this news wasn't bad enough, the following will show you just how incompetent the government really is. Apparently, Jonathan Shaw, the Minister of Fisheries etc, believes that it is immoral that our fishing fleet, as small as it now is, has to throw tons of dead and dying fish back into the sea once it has been caught. This is very true! However, in the same breath he announced that this has to be done in order to conserve British fish stocks. Now, I want you all to think very hard about this... How on earth is throwing tons of Dead Fish back into the sea, conserving British fish stocks??? I rest my case concerning government officials. Croak!!!

Another familiar note to finish on this week. Remember what I said recently about what was going to happen to house prices? Well, another lender has been hit by falling share values. Paragon, who provide mortgages for the Buy To Let market, have seen their shares fall by as much as 40%. Now, I'm not sure what you humans think of this, but to me it points to it being another rung taken from the housing ladder that's well on it's way to collapsing... Croak!!!

From a frog's point of view, all of this is on par with this stupid Carbon Off-setting I keep on hearing about. It's just so much wool to pull over the eyes of the ignorant unsuspecting public, You!!

That's all for now. Don't have nightmares, and stay safe... Ribbit!!!


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

What is it with you humans?

It's fairly quiet in and around the garden today, and yes, it is just a little on the chilly side too. If I knew what was damned good for me, I'd do the sensible thing and hibernate like all the other frogs. Ribbit!!!

If only my life was that simple, but it isn't, and why? because of the complications you lot confront me with. Now, take Bob... No, I'm not going to say it, and anyway, Bob's too nice a person to speak so flippantly about him. As I was trying to say, Bob goes about his life by living each and every day to the full. He doesn't do some of the stupid things that a lot of you seem to get up to these days. He doesn't drink, but then he doesn't want to, so... he's not like many of you who find that the state of happiness is totally illusive, unless that is you're getting blind drunk and as quickly and as often as you can. Humans seem to be caught up in what Bob terms as, a binge drinkers society, but for the life of me I cannot understand why? Croak!!!

I suppose that if the information I've been told is correct, then drinking moderate amounts of wine, spirits or beer is fairly okay. Unfortunately, today's youngsters are drinking like there was no tomorrow and to hell with the consequences. Jumping toads, what a load of crap!!! Tell me something, any of you... Where is the pride in knowing that you belong to a nation of the worst behaved drinkers in the whole world? Croak!!!

Just think of it... While you're pissed out of your brain and laying in the gutter, someone is going to come along, kick nine bits of shite out of you, rob you blind (taking all of your precious beer money, and whatever else they can find on you.) and you will simply oblige them by laying there quietly because you're not in a position where you're able to stop them. How damned clever is that? Croak!!!

The government and a lot of your peers would like to prevent you from drinking too much in the first place, but as everyone knows, the gov won't lift a finger to help you, why? it's simply because it makes billions out of the taxes you conveniently pay to them for getting drunk in the first place. Croak!!!

Of course, I also understand that drinking too much and too often will eventually destroy your liver, and also your brain cells, but then I remember that you were already brain dead when you started binge drinking in the first place. Get a life! Croak!!!

Still, when I consider all that's thrown at you humans, I can see why you lot take to the drink.
Is it any good for me to ask you all to take care of yourselves until next time? Stay safe... Ribbit!!!


Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Don't say I didn't tell you...

Although it's scarcely a week since I last spoke to you, letting you know what it's like in the garden where I live, the changes here have been quite dramatic. Gone are the colourful leaves from the trees, and now, they stand like so many skeletons reaching up and into the sky. Oh hum! Still, at ground level, where your friendly frog lives, there are quite a lot of flowering plants, and where there are flowering plants, there are slugs, snails and a wide variety of quite juicy flying insects. Ribbit!!!

I just thought that I'd let you know, Bob has been busy in his shed again. He's always trying to invent things, goodness knows why? I guess that it's because he simply has too much time on his hands. Anyway, he was telling me this morning that the shite is about to hit the proverbial fan(?) so, stand well back and get ready to duck. Ribbit!!!

Despite that I warned you humans last week, I'm not surprised to see that events are beginning to speed up a little more. How many of you have see the news about the trouble your banks are getting themselves into? With so many of you on the verge of losing your homes, I find it's such a shame that many have chosen to ignore my pleas, instead of taking notice of what I'm saying to you. Those of you who were suckered into buying a house, using a sub-prime mortgage, will now be feeling the bite of these evil people, and all because they upped the rate of interest you're all paying. I ask you this, if you were aware that you could just about afford a mortgage when you first took it on, were you also aware that the rate you were going to pay, was going to increase by as much as twenty, or twenty-five percent after a period of time? No, I didn't think so. Croak!!!

These lenders had only one thing in mind when you signed your lives and your houses away. This was to make as much money from you as they thought would be possible, then just as quickly snatch it back again. They knew that by increasing your payments, you wouldn't be in a position to meet them. These lenders are now up the creek too, why? Because they are left with negative equity on their hands because the price of houses is beginning to tumble like a house of cards. Bob says that the For Sale signs are beginning to mushroom quicker than his rambling roses in the spring. Croak!!!

So, greed is once again at the root of what's happening around the world. Bob tells me that he has never known an era before, where young people everywhere have such a tremendous desire to buy and own their own property. Personally, I believe that these sub-prime mortgages should never have been allowed to be sold in the first place. What the hell is wrong with renting, for goodness sake? Crikey! Even the most dim-witted among you must have been aware that once you buy a house, the paying doesn't stop there.

Your roof leaks, you have to pay. Your window frames need replacing, you have to pay. Your pipes burst, you have to pay. Your electrical wiring is faulty or getting old, you have to pay. Your doors fall off their hinges, you have to pay. Your sewerage pipes collapse, you have to pay. A tree falls onto your house, you have to pay, especially if you're not insured. It's pay, pay, pay and there never seems any end to it. You should save aside the money you think you can afford to buy a house with, and live your lives to the full doing exciting things. Instead, you're so stressed up, your ticker is in danger of stopping. Forget buying, RENT instead, it makes a darn sight more sense. Ribbit!!! Oh, and please don't tell me that there's nowhere for you to rent, that's toad's crap! Housing for rent is also springing up everywhere, just like mushrooms. Unless you lot are making about eighty thousand a year, forget about buying and shake off the shackles and this unfathomable desire you seem to have to BUY. Croak!!!

You know, I have a terrible desire too, yes, honestly. I have this yearning to do something to all those furballs that come into the garden. I've never done them any harm, but they would pounce on me and rip me apart at the drop of a hat. Croak!!! Here's a piccy of one mangy furball that's always sneaking around the garden.

It's getting dark now, so I'm off to find somewhere cosy to sleep under. Until next time, stay bright and do start looking after yourselves...
