Ripped off! Who cares?
Isn't the warmer weather just wonderful? Lots of flowers are coming into bloom. The birds are singing to their heart's content. Bees, butterflies and a host of other insects are on the wing. Life for me, as a frog, is beginning to look great!! Well let's face it, winters do tend to deplete the larder, you know. Ribbit!!!
Fortunately, and as luck would have it, I haven't been put to task by those mangy furballs that live around these parts. I seem to be going through a fairly quiet period lately. One thing that I'm truly grateful for, it's that these furballs don't like to get themselves wet, so they try their best to stay away from my pond. Let's face it, life for frog's spawn is harsh enough as it is, without these furballs adding their misery. You know, it's a good job that the pond where I live is a big one, otherwise I'd run short of space for my off-spring, and this simply wouldn't do.
Ladies!! I'll come back to you once I've finished talking to these nice humans out here...
Bob, the man whose wonderful garden I live in, was telling me earlier today that once again, your mister Blair has been telling you all about his new measures to fight crime. I ask you, how does anyone try to battle against something they know absolutely nothing about!? Croak!!! As far as MPs are concerned, they couldn't find an answer to curb crime if it up and bit them in the arse! According to Bob, they can't even come to an agreement on just how much crime is actually going on throughout Britain today.
Did you know that the police will not bother themselves with internet crimes of theft (fraud), if the crime in question is valued at less than one thousand pounds??!! Yes, and this is straight from the horses mouth. Well, it may not have actually been a horse, but it certainly acts like one! Although this threshold is not official, the police are more than likely to take the value of the fraud into account before they decide whether, or not, to proceed with any enquiries on your behalf.
Now then, let me see if I have it right. If I understand this correctly, unless you are wealthy and have had your precious antiques, or whatever stolen, (I wonder if they are bothered with car theft? cars are sold on the internet.) then they just don't give a rat's arse!! You may have already gathered from this little bit of information, that the police have just unofficially given the go ahead for any fraud perpetrated with a value less than one thousand pounds. Sounds like it's damned good news for the country's thieves, and hard luck for the victims, doesn't it? Well, I think that this is just another thing to show you humans, those that are bothered that is, that your government could really care less about you. Of course, the police blame this situation on the government for lack of funding. Don't they always? Croak!!!
You humans have a government that professes to understand the causes of crime, but they honestly don't!! They deny humans the right to a decent job, then they provide a minimum wage, one that is an insult in a country where the average minimum costs of having things repaired, or for services, can cost anything from twenty-five pounds an hour, right up to two-hundred pounds an hour. Where is the justice in this? Let me tell you something that I think is important. When you humans created a multi-tiered society, one where everyone looks down their noses at those they see as being below them, and where the poor always seem to get trodden on the most by almost everyone, it's little wonder you have a crime ridden society!! Believe me, nothing is going to change where crime levels are concerned, just because mister Blair, or some other government idiot comes up with a cockamamy plan they've just thought up. Crap!!!
Until there is a more fair society for all humans to live together in, everything will just continue along like it has done for decades, perhaps centuries! Croak!!!
That's all I have to say for now, so until next time, look on the bright side of life. I do! Ribbit!!!