Woe Is Me...
I'm beginning to discover something about you humans that truly defies common sense. It's the plain fact that you are all prepared to put up with being kicked in the family jewels, if you're male, and the kisser for those lovely females among you. It doesn't matter how much your government cheats and lies to you, you just continue to smile as though nothing was happening. Now, how stupid is that? Croak!!!
Following what you humans call the 'Budget', Bob explained in no uncertain terms, that the government will tell you the same old pack of lies, and you lot, like the sheep I'm beginning to think you are, believe them like it was the gospel! Great 'orrible toads in the sky... Can't you lot figure anything out for your selves without me, a humble garden frog, showing you what's going on? Croak!!!
Pin back your ears and listen to what I'm saying to you: Governments are elected by you, the people, to act on your behalf and to ensure that you live safely and enjoy a good life. Now, what does your government really do for you? Sod all, from where I'm sitting! If I understand Bob correctly, they are very good, no, that's not the word, they are brilliant at helping themselves once you lot vote them into office. Croak!!! Don't believe me? Their pay and pensions are a thousand times better than anything you could hope to receive! This is what you do for them...
For some unfathomable reason, they have their budget, then they tax you to the hilt! Am I right so far? You can bet that I am! They pretend to give something to some of you, and then take lots more away from the rest, usually the poorest amongst you. Then they apply the coup de grace by saying that there's not enough government money to do what you lot want them to do. Horse shite!!! Let me tell you something: they waste more money by giving it away to big companies who promise them the earth in return, when in fact they receive naff all for this so called investment. There are also hundreds of Quangos in this country that are robbing you blind. This is just another form of nepotism, whereby they ensure that the rich become even more wealthy than they already are, and the poor (suckers) can damned well do without. By the way, any of you who earns less than four hundred pounds a week, is counted as being one of these suckers! You lot think you're well off, and you'll most likely tell everyone around you that you are middle class. You're not middle class, you're just thick!!!
You know, it's not that your government hasn't got enough money to pay for decent pensions, etc, the truth is that they'd much rather take care of themselves first! They are very good at doing this, you know! Croak!!! When I think of what Bob, and tens of thousands just like him have to put up with, it really makes my skin crawl.
Beware the MP who smiles at you, he/she is about to lie through their teeth at you. Next time you vote, make pretty damned sure that you vote for a candidate who really does have your best interests at heart. He/she won't be Labour or Tory, 'cos they have already crapped all over you lot. Don't believe their pre-election lies! Remember: they have more to gain from being in parliament than you will ever have. As humans, you have much more power to your elbows than you think you have. The taxes you pay is your money, not theirs!!
I am a frog, but I'm also your friend. This is your wake up call, so take heed of it! Ribbit!!!
The ladies in my pond are calling to me again, so, got to go. Stay safe and take care, do drop by again soon... Ribbit!!!
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