Ifrogman ifrogman

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Blind Leading....

Leaping lizards!! What is it with you humans and this apparent death wish you all seem to have? It's impossible to get a single moments peace around here, without that I find out that you are all doing something that completely defies the rules of commonsense. Now come on! I though that you humans were supposed to be at the top of the evolutionary tree? As a mere frog, I can tell you that it's not so from the way I'm beginning to look at it. Croak!!!

Some of you, though I'm not sure who, are probably wondering what on earth I'm harping on about this time? But don't you see, if I didn't stand up and remind you lot of who and what you are, you'd all go back to living like the monkeys you once were! You lot are in the midst of a serious bout of climate change and global warming, and all I hear you say is "So what?!" The really funny thing about all of this, it's that a series of catastrophic events will sweep over the lot of you, and all you'll likely say is, "Did I forget to turn the kettle off?" and "Cor! Who Farted?!!"

Why is it that you all have this crazy death wish? I'll tell you why, it's because you continually act like millions of lemmings! For some unfathomable reason, you continually allow your government to pull the wool over your eyes where they not only lie to you, but you firmly believe that what they tell you is the gospel truth! They politely inform you on one hand that they intend to do something positive about climate change and global warming, and then behind your backs, (nothing new there.) they say that they intend to expand airports and increase air travel to and from this green and pleasant land, over the coming years. Now, what with India's attitude on putting more aircraft into the sky, it seems that the British government feel that they don't want to be left behind and out in the cold. Are they mad, or what??!! How is increased travel by air going to reduce CO² and other noxious gas emissions?

That nice mister Blair keeps on saying that you lot need to do something now, before it's too late. Yet Bob, who keeps himself well informed about what's going on, says that these are just so many empty words, just like his promises, in fact.

You know what? As a frog I can see the signs, and they really don't look very good, believe me. I see you humans as not being able to do anything off your own bat. Everything, it appears, has to be forced upon you before you see any sense, and even then it's like the blind leading the blind. But here's the rub: Since the government is knowingly travelling along its own crazy mixed up route in life, I can see you lot, and I do mean all of you, following them, and believe me, it'll be all the way to Armageddon!!! Croak!!! Humans are truly a pathetic lot!

Bob once spoke to me about a place he knows in England, where for more than fifty years, there has been significant recognizable changes in the overall climate. At one time, every winter was guaranteed to be bitterly cold, with snow storms that would bury houses and block roads for weeks at a time. Now, all this is a thing of the past! Winters are now mild, and where there was once snow galore, the people who live there rarely see more than a few days of snow, and only then if it snows at all!

For all of you who think that climate change is a load of toad's crap, think again! These weather changes are happening all around you, and they are the result of what you do. Of course, if you choose not to believe that it's happening, or that global warming can't harm you... Then I guess that it really is too late to do anything once the rot sets in. But do not forget this: If you are an adult, it's not you who will suffer the results of your ignorance, it will be your children and all those who follow them. The wrath of climate change and global warming won't suddenly come down on you like a ton of donkey shite, it'll creep upon you slowly, but surely! In the long run, whatever happens, it will be due to your neglect and greedy selfish attitudes, where the only people you can blame are yourselves...

So, for now, stay safe and take care, and do drop by again soon... Ribbit!!!



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