Life is...
Hello one and all,
What have you humans done to the weather? Now, don't get me wrong, but the way the weather is it affects the way I live. I cannot help noticing the absence of that flaky white stuff you lot call snow. You see, if I venture out on a snowy day, which in all honesty is highly unlikely, being a frog with sensitive and tender body parts, it allows me to see where any of my enemies have walked and are likely to be hiding. There is nothing quite so terrifying, as some of my friends could testify if they were still with us, than being pounced upon by one of those monstrous four-legged furballs, only to be ripped apart limb from limb. Croak!! So you see, snow does have some benefits, even if it is only to us frogs.
I wanted to give you my opinions on what I think about your lives as humans. Unfortunately, I haven't seen Bob lately. I'm not sure whether it's because he's using his invisibility thingy, and he's keeping quiet about it, or he's gone off for a few days. Perhaps he's had an accident? Croak!! There again, I wonder if he's done something with his invention that means he'll stay invisible forever? I mean, he could be laying somewhere and I'd never ever find him. I hope not, because I don't know what I'll do if this has happened. He's so kind, and not only this, he does so much for me too.
Sometimes I wish that he would stop playing around with his silly inventions, but then he once told me that you humans enjoy exploring the great unknown. The way I see it, these things are best left unknown!
Oh happy day!!! Bob has just come into the garden. Ribbit!! Now perhaps I can find out where he's been and just what he's got to say for himself?
Well, I was right! He has been tampering with that invisibility thingy again, only this time it rendered him unconscious for several hours. Fortunately, where he is concerned, he was inside his house when he started to fiddle about with it. He says that it took the rest of the day before the effects wore off and he could see himself again, and even so he suffered a long bout of nausea. I'd give him a piece of my mind, but he wouldn't know what to do with it if I did.
Bob says that it was 6°C in Moscow today. Apparently, the people who live there, wherever that is(?) well, how should I know, I'm just a simple frog! Anyway, as I was saying, they normally endure freezing temperatures of around minus 26°C and lower. Well, if ever you humans needed real proof of global warming, then I would say that you should look no further than what's happening in Moscow. Even the bears are too warm to hibernate! Now, doesn't this ring a familiar bell in your ear? It's just like me, silly! I should have been tucked up in my bed a long while ago...
Onto another subject now. Bob explained to me about an odd creature that walks and stalks the streets where you live. Apparently, it's something that puts the fear of god into those who are very unfortunate to have to confront it, the hoodie! Now, I'll be frank with you all, if this is what I once saw strolling down a road near here, then I'm not surprised that they scare you, it was enough to nearly frighten me plumb to death. Lordy, life can be cruel because it was so damned ugly too! If you want my honest opinion? Never mind, I'll give it to you anyway. I can now understand why they hide under those hoods. I mean, let's face it, if you looked as ugly as they do, wouldn't you do all that you could to hide yourself away? Too damned right you would! Ribbit!!
It's going to take me a while to catch up with the rest of the news, so I'll say bye for now...
Stay safe and take care, do drop by again soon for more of Bob's, and mine, amazing revelations...
Your friend,
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