Froggy. The Return
Hello one and all,
Yes! It's me again, your old green friend, Froggy.
I know what you're all going to say... Why is it that I'm not hibernating like I said I was going to? Well, I am and then again, I'm not! Let me explain... This climate change not only affects all you humans, but it also affects us humble frogs too. The things I feast on are still out there, wriggling and slithering around the garden. So, I says to myself, what's the good of letting all that good grub go to waste? Do you catch my drift? Anyway, there's a lot more to it than how I've just explained to you lot. It's Bob! Yes, believe it or not, I've been keeping an eye on him for the last few weeks. Never did I realise that one human could have such a gripe about what's going on generally in society. Honest!!
With all of Bob's ranting and raving, he's driving me to distraction at times. Not only that, but he's also been letting his work in the garden slip a bit, and truth to tell, we can't be having that, can we? He's a good sort really. From what I personally know about you humans, I find that it's rare that to come across someone who is so concerned for his surroundings and his fellow beings. Bob is one of the best! He'd give you the shirt off his back, he would. Of course, I can assure you that he'd clean it first. Ribbit!!
As I was saying, I am hibernating after a fashion. Every now and again, I poke my head above ground just to keep my eye on things in the garden, and to see that Bob is doing okay. Another thing, and this is a real blessing... I haven't seen much of those pesky moggies lately. The last one I caught snooping around my patch, was... er, let me see now, ah yes, three weeks ago. It was one of those cute (human way to look at them.) little grey and white monsters (my way to see them.). Well, there he was, on the prod and snooping around the garden for who knows what. Anyway, he had just began sniffing around the hole where I was concealed, when I spat right in his eye. I swear that you'd think that cats had legs like springs. Jump, he nearly went into orbit...
Earlier today, I poked my head out just to see what was going on, as you do, when lo and behold, I found that it was snowing slightly. Now, I'm not keen on that white stuff at all. Apart from the fact that it's freezing, it ain't worth getting up of a morning if the weather is going to be nasty like that. As it happens, it turned to rain later, which wasn't quite so bad. This is what brings out all those big fat juicy worms. Ribbit!!
Despite the weather, it's nowhere near as cold as it usually is at this time of the year. Chalk another one up to global warming, I suppose.
Well, that's all the time I have for this week, so...
Stay safe and take care, hope to see you all again soon...
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