
Hi everyone,
All of a sudden, there's a chill in the air. Well, this isn't at all surprising, after all, tomorrow marks the coming of Autumn. Thankfully, I've still got lots of juicy flies to snack on, and those big succulent worms are everywhere, Mmmm! Hey! Is it just me, or have you also noticed a mark difference in the weather we've had this year?
It's strange, but until I overheard, the man who lets me live in his garden, talking about something he called, "global warming" I was never even aware there was such a thing. Apparently, and bear it in mind that I'm only a simple frog, he says that it may have a catastrophic effect on life as we know it.
Now, this may come as a surprise to the rest of you humans, but we frogs also have a history. Yes, it's true! Long, long ago, certainly before I was brought into this world, it is recorded that all this has happened before. When I was just a tadpole, I learnt that dramatic changes in the earth's climate, like the one the man was discussing, were brought about by something that caused the sun to disappear(?) and this eventually caused the mass extinction of... oh, I dunno, anyway, there were lots of really gigantic creatures (much bigger than me!) that died. Honestly, I swear that it's the truth!
What has this got to do with you lot? Well, from what the man was saying, the current climatic changes are being caused by the greed and selfishness of mainly wealthy humans who crave for even more money, whatever that is? than they already have. It seems that they keep on chucking their filthy pollution into the atmosphere at an alarming rate, like it didn't matter for some reason. I understand that some of you caring humans are trying to put a stop to it, but let me tell you... IT'S TOO BLOODY LATE!!!
Of course, being a frog, my kind will still be here long after humans have torn their little world apart. Did you know that we can hibernate for years? Yup! And when I wake up again, one thing is certain, there's going to be a whole lot more space for us frogs once you and all them damned cats have all gone. "Ribbit!!"
I'd hate to have to tell you, I told you so,
I'll be seeing you... Stay safe.
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