Ifrogman ifrogman

Monday, October 23, 2006

This Gullible Britain


Bob here... Has he gone yet?

--Do you mind, I'm trying to get some sleep here, I'm not bloody deaf you know.--

Sorry my little green friend...

--That's okay, but try and keep things down a bit, so as I can get my shut-eye. Night Bob! Night everyone!...--

Right, now where was I? Oh yes, I'm Bob and this is my garden, which, I feel I must add here, I share with Froggy and all of his strange little friends. Anyway, since Froggy is beginning to slip into his period of hibernation, it's been left up to me to run Froggy's Blog for him in his absence. I'm going to do my best as this is going to be a whole lot harder than I expected, so here goes:

But first, did he ever tell you that he wasn't in the slightest bit politically minded, at least not until I began speaking to him about what it means to we humans? You know, I'm almost sorry that I ever brought the subject up really, Froggy's never let me forget it since.

I expect you're also wondering how come I spoke to him in the first place? I know, I know, speaking to frogs is one of the first signs of madness, but the reason why is simple, he actually spoke to me first, honest! I was shocked, I mean, who ever heard of a talking frog? Not me anyway, and certainly not before I've had a pint or three down me. But do you know something else, what he has to say makes a hell of a lot of sense. He understands a lot more than I do when the wool is being pulled over our eyes. I suppose that it's because Froggy is more in touch with the down to earth side of nature than most of us are. To be honest, I'm not about to argue with anything he has to say, besides, it's really not worth all the hassle.

As I was saying, I introduced him to human politics, but to be frank, politics scare the crap out of me. Well, you know as well as I do, politics is all about feathering your own nest, and doing it at the expense of everyone and anyone around you. I mean let's face it, when was the last time you heard of any promises being made by politicians, prior to being elected, actually being carried out once they get into office? Never, and that is a fact!!

What Froggy doesn't know about the things I'm about to tell you now, because, well I hadn't the heart to tell him. It's that in human society, it's only those who cheat, con and rob you left, right and centre that come out smelling of roses and have the most money tucked away under their mattresses. You only have to watch the telly, read other blogs, or look at the papers to understand just what I mean.

Let's face it, we British must surely be the most gullible people on Earth. Why you ask? Well, where else would you find people mug enough to think that they've won a huge lottery prize, when they know perfectly well that they didn't even enter the damn lottery in the first place? Surely you heard about the elderly woman who shelled out over thirty-thousand pounds from her hard won savings, after being told that this money was for admin costs, then sent it off to these crooks in the hope that she would receive her so called lottery win in return? What a shame that her friends weren't around to let her know that there's no such thing as a free lunch! Further, we discover that it was a group of shites from Spain who set up this con, and still run it. It was a TV prog that exposed this con, and even when they revealed who these scumbags were, and even though Spain is a member of the European community, the Spanish authorities did absolutely nothing to put these scumbags out of business and behind bars where they belong. Could it be that they are too busy taking one of their famous long siestas?

The same thing applies to this epidemic of cowboy firms that seem to have blossomed in this fair country of ours. They rip us off and run through our cash quicker than a dose of salts. They'll even help give you a lift to your bank just to make sure they get paid. Have you also noticed that most of them live in great big fancy houses that even the royal family wouldn't look out of place in? Once again, we learn that even when someone like trading standards are looking closely into the antics of these scumbag traders, just like the income tax people should be doing. But for me, they don't appear to be looking very hard, do they? And while they all sit on their backsides, more and more honest British people are losing money faster than the river Thames flows into the sea. If they really wanted to deal with the likes of these cowboys, then they should give the trading standards people a darn sight more power to their elbow, so they can put these gits behind bars where they belong.

Something new now, all you pensioners out there in Blog country, listen up! It has just been recently announced that we are to get an extra three pounds per week from next April, Well Whoopie Bloody Do!!! You know something, I'm going to try my best not to spend it all at once, but I can't make you any rash promises. Mind you, at the rate our gov is allowing all of these greedy selfish money-grabbing energy companies to put their prices up in leaps and bounds, I'll be lucky if I'll actually get to see any of it anyway :p

Now for something that's going to get a lot of you all fired up...

For all of you who have, or are fortunate enough to be earning Britain's average wage or higher, and let's face it, this is a hell of a lot of you, I need you to understand that it's not a pensioners fault for ending up poverty stricken, then having to get by each week on peanuts for a pension. We are constantly reminded that Britain is one of the world's wealthiest countries, yet it doesn't seem like it from where I'm standing. Let me open your eyes to a fact of life you've probably not been aware of. What do you suppose our society would be like if there were no shops to shop in?

Imagine trying to take a holiday where there were no flash hotels or guest houses to stay in? Picture our green and pleasant land with streets paved with garbage, rubbish and other filth, or a situation where there were no such things as garages to buy your fuel from? How would you feel if there were no restaurants to have a meal in, or towns and cities with no pubs and clubs to take a drink in? My guess is that you'd think Britain would be a pretty sorry place to live in.

What is this all about, I here you whine? It's simply this, hundreds of thousands of people slave their lives away working their fingers to the bone in places like those mentioned above. They receive pitifully low rewards, formerly known as almost zilch, but now called the minimum wage. Despite this, thousands, regardless of the law, still get much less than this for the hours they put in. This is all just so you can live the high life, swanning it here and there around the world when the fancy takes you. Have you ever given even a single thought for these proud people (read:slaves) who do almost everything to make our society what it is today? Bloody right you haven't!! Britain is, and always has been a class riddled society that couldn't possibly exist without these essential key workers, and neither could you! So the next time you meet one of these people, treat them with the respect they damn well deserve, and don't look down your long beak of a nose at them, like they were a piece of shite that you just picked up on the sole of your shoe.

Hey! You like what I'm writing? Well, I'm just getting warmed up, believe me... :)

Oh! By the way. I have a message for Mr and Mrs Berenhythe of Cirencester. Regarding your recent enquiry concerning our express Martian trip in September 2013. I am sorry to say that it'll cost you an extra thirty thousand each for window seats, okay? And Ms lamersett of Fife, no! It is not necessary for you to bring a packed lunch on this journey. I have to inform you that it's going to take a little longer to get there than it would do for one of our normal day trips.

I'm not sure what else I can tell you, but you know, I'm truly beginning to like it...

I'll see you all in the garden next time, bye!

Bob (For Froggy)


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