Ifrogman ifrogman

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Hello one and all,

A few days ago, while I was hopping around the pond, minding my own business like you do, I spied a very large black and white bird, I think you humans call them Magpies(?), when it suddenly developed a bout of frenzied feeding on one of the fat balls put out by Bob. None of the smaller birds were put off by the Magpie's intrusion, since they carried on pecking at the hazel nuts like he wasn't even there.

Oddly, there has been a marked absence of those much hated feline beasts this last week. This has made for a particular peaceful period for a change. Ribbit!! I have to say that as usual, Bob has been very busy, bless his little cotton socks, tinkering around the garden. You gardeners know what I mean. He was tying up the odd plant here and there, and clearing away the last of the leaves to use as a mulch around the plants that are growing everywhere. He even removed the dead leaves from my pond. Isn't that nice of him?

With things being a little quiet around here lately, I decided to see what Bob has to say about the state of life among you humans. Now that should be worth a laugh or two. No disrespect intended. Ribbit!!

Well, he was watching his goggle box not so long ago, where, there was a programme concerning the National Trust. Is this something to do with you lot trusting one another? Hey! How should I know? I'm only a frog for goodness sake! Anyway, he says that it was about saving a Victorian pile in the country somewhere called, Tyntesfield. Apparently, it's a very long way from where we live. He went on to explained that this country pile, one whose masonry can be seen crumbling more and more as each day passes, was put onto the market for millions of your pounds. Okay so far... This National Trust wanted it's members to cough up the price of it, so that they could save it for the nation. I think Bob said they offered sixty thousand... Well, let me tell you, Bob not only thinks that it should have been left to fall down, but they shouldn't have used public money, without consultation, to buy it either. They even had millions of your lottery cash to help to prop up the funds for it. Croak!!

You know what? The only person to make a killing from the sale, was its former owner who, it is said, is laughing all the way to his bank. He must have seen them coming. Bob says that there are countless properties from the Victorian era in this country of ours, yet they had to save something that is not only falling down, but it's going to cost many millions more to do it up... How crazy is that? Still, I guess that as long as it wasn't the National Trust's money, they most likely couldn't really care less either.

Bob has explained to me, in words that I'm only just getting to grips with, that there are countless thousands of you humans living on the streets, yes! living on the dirty streets! Why? Because they don't have a home to go to. Have you humans got no heart at all? Stop and ask yourselves, what is more important to you lot? The right to have a roof over your head, preferably one that's not falling down like Tyntesfield? Which is saving something that none of you will ever likely own, and most likely will never see, either. Or, would you rather the money went towards building homes for those unfortunate to be without? Of course, my guess is that not many of you care in the slightest, since many of you lot lead the world in buying second, or even third homes for yourselves, such is the extent of your greedy human nature. I doubt that many of you were even aware of this country pile before I told you about it. After saying all this, it serves to remind me that you humans really have got your priorities wrong!

Despite that the government spent millions of your money on this project, there are still millions of humans living in council housing that even after repairs, remains cold and substandard. Why didn't they invest this money in supporting their so-called family values they pretend to care about? On top of this, can you imagine how many homeless people could have been taken off the streets with over seventy million pounds?

Let me ask you this, how many more worthless crumbling piles in the country are the National Trust, along with government support (your money!), are they willing to save, on the false pretext, that we actually need more of them? Isn't it best to help those who need support the most? The mind boggles, it truly does!!!

As much as I like you humans, you really are a sad lot from time to time...

Well, all of this has taken it out of me, so...

Stay safe and take care, do drop by again soon for more of Bob's amazing revelations...



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