The Poorest Children
Hello one and all,
I was out in the garden only the other day, trying my best to relax and take in the sunshine, when Bob, the ever busy gardener located me to talk about one of his favourite subjects: Human Behaviour. I was spellbound from that moment onward... Well, you should know by now that to a handsome frog like me, humans doing what they like to do is, truly fascinating, to quote a Vulcan friend of mine.
Anyway, I digress. According to Bob and those very nice people from UNICEF, you British humans should be burying your heads in the ground. Why? Because of the shame you bring upon yourselves, that's what! Oh yes, I know what you lot are thinking here, who am I to talk about one's children? I know! I know! The offspring of us frogs are known to be cannibals. But hey! In the lower animal world, it's the survival of the fittest that counts. So, what's your excuse???
Here you all are, living in the land of milk and honey, one of the richest countries in the whole world, and yet... Britain is full of poor children. No surprise there eh?! Well let's face it, you humans are after all a greedy lot, and make no mistake about it. Even your MPs think that two hundred pounds a week for a family of four, including two children, is enough to live on. Leaping toads!! Are they kidding? It's no wonder Britain is full of poor children, when you have people living here with those kinds of attitude. Honestly, your MPs are so remote from real everyday life, that they think they have the right to stand in judgement over children who are not able to fend, or even act for themselves.
This is what comes of paying MPs two thousand pounds plus a week. They think that they know it all. In truth, they are privileged because you humans were daft enough to vote them into their well-paid cushy jobs in the first place, and that's where any similarity between any caring person and MPs ends!
Being a frog, I'm finding it more and more difficult to understand the working of the human mind. You live together, more from sufferance than anything else, and yet you appear to have very little conscience regarding the things you do. You have money, but it's never enough! You save for a rainy day, and even then you don't spend any of it! You amass your little fortune and suddenly, well you die and your government grabs as much of it as your laws allow. Tough!! Oddly, Bob says that many of you think that you're going to take your wealth with you, beyond the grave. Nuts!!! You want to know something? If you have children and they get your loot when you've pegged it, I hope they fritter it away like there was no tomorrow! Ribbit!!! This means that all your carefully planned tight-fisted thoughts on becoming the richest human in the country, are completely laid to waste. Sucker!!!
Mind you, you can have all the riches in the world, but if you're as ugly as a toad's back, and your health is up the creek, which I hope it is, and everyone is calling you names behind your back, I guess that you're a miserable sod! You damn well deserve it. Ribbit!!!
Me? I couldn't be more happy! Your selfish attitudes over global warming means that I'll soon have much more space to live out my own life in. Great!!! Ribbit, Ribbit!!!
Well, it's time I went and had a dip in the pond, that water looks so inviting...
Stay safe and take care, and do drop by again soon...
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