Ifrogman ifrogman

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Hello one and all,

For the first time in months I been feeling excited! And why should a frog like me feel this way, I hear you ask? It's simple really. While I was out exploring my garden domain this afternoon, where believe it or not, the sun was doing it's best to melt all the snow that's fallen recently, I had a wonderful surprise. A friend of mine, who I haven't seen in a very long while, came to visit me. Of course, he's not as handsome as I am, and he is... well, he's a slightly different colour than me. He's got orange/red blotches with bluish stripes. No, they are not go faster stripes! It's just a form of camouflage that is ideally suited to the habitat he lives in.

Anyway, he came while I was hopping around the place and watching out for my deadly enemy, the dreaded furballs. I was also on the lookout for a tasty morsel or two, which wasn't exactly easy given the amount of snow that's still here. As I was saying, there I was minding my own business, like you do, when I heard a strangely familiar sound. It's familiar because I knew what caused it, and it's strange because I know that you lot wouldn't believe what it is if I told you. Oh botheration! I'll let you into a secret: it's a UFO.... honest, Ribbit!! Now come off it, don't you start laughing at me.

Let's face it, Bob tells me that you lot see them as UFOs, so you should be used to seeing or hearing about them. Well, to frogs like me, and other highly intelligent beings, it's an extra-terrestrial inter-galactic conveyancing transporter. Unlike you lot and your UFOs, we know precisely what they are, and... I've even had a ride in one of them, so there, blah!!

Now, I doubt that any of you have ever actually seen one of these EICTs, and do you know why? It's because they are small, less than forty centimetres across with scarcely room enough for ten at a squeeze. It's not one of those great big machines, you know the sort, the ones that go around destroying whole civilizations, oh goodness me no! The reason you wouldn't have seen one is because it travels faster than the blink of an eye, well, human eye anyway.

Returning to my friend, and since I don't want to throw your ignorance back in your faces, he's on what you'd call a luxury cruise. So far, he's taken in six-hundred and four star systems and twelve galaxies including this one. Great eh!? He asked me if I'd like to go with him and visit his home, a sort of frog exchange. I said, what!? And run away from all of my responsibilities here on good old planet Earth? Not on your life! Croak!!

It took some time, but he finally understood what I'm attempting to do here for you lot. Who else is going to show you the error of your ways if I run out on you? Not only that, but I just couldn't go and run out on my friends. Ribbit!! As it happens, he knew that I'd have trouble enough on my tiny hands explaining about his method of transport to you lot, so, here I am. As for my little friend, he's gone again. Said he couldn't for the life of him understand why I should want to live amongst a lot of misfits. I told him that after a while, he could get to like you lot too. Obviously, he doesn't feel the same way about humans as I do... So, that's that!

By the way, Bob has reluctantly given up working on his invisibility thingy. He considers that it's far too dangerous a machine for anyone, especially him, to be messing around with. Shame really, 'cos I sort of fancied the idea of using it myself. Ribbit!!

Well, it's time I went back to my cosy little home, so...

Stay safe and take care, and do drop by again soon...



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