Life: There is a future.
Hi everyone,
As I sit here by the still clear waters, quietly contemplating the past few seasons and snacking on the odd fly that strays within my grasp, I cannot help but notice that some of the trees around my pond are losing their colour, with a few beginning to shed their leaves. Now, that's something that can be a bit of a pain in my life, I can tell you. Why? You may ask. It's simply that all those leaves which drop into my home, the pond, if left to rot in its depths, they can poison the water that formerly gave life not only to me, but my friends and a host of other beautiful creatures, not to mention my food.
As it happens, the man who lives here, he clears these leaves from my home, making it tidy and leaving the water fresh, sweet smelling and sparkling. You know, not all frogs are so well thought of, so, if you know of a pond with frogs and the like living in it, do them a favour and clean out those nasty dead leaves. The pond will benefit, as will all the life in it. Right, now that's out of the way, I can get down to speaking about what's been happening in life.
Lately, I've been a little wary of coming out from under the ferns and stuff, and this is because it's noticeably colder earlier on in the day. I can still listen to the man talking to his friends though, and it truly disheartens me to hear the continuing discussion about 'global warming' 'croak!'. They spoke about somebody called David Miliband, I hope I can call him David, although I feel pretty sure that others call him something else behind his back? Anyway, Miliband is not easy for a frog like me to remember, but David is such an easy common name to remember. Well, I digress. I wanted to tell you all about what he apparently said today at some meeting(?) I understand that meetings are some sort of gathering, and gatherings I understand very well. It seems that David is all for reducing carbon emissions. 'Hear! hear! Ribbit!!'
On the other hand, and after something else I overheard, I'd say that David is being just a tiny bit naughty. He wants that all you humans use less energy in your homes. Why? Because he says, it is the equivalent of taking lots and lots of your nasty smelling cars off the road, which will reduce tons and tons of carbon whatsits from the air around us. In the meantime, while everyone (except those who can afford to pay for it and not consider what it's costing them.) is using less energy, and the friendly older folks among humankind are freezing their codds off during winter, he, no doubt, will burn even more fuel to keep himself warm while he's at home, then drive his big fat car to work like everybody else. The worst is, while he tells you humans what you should be doing to do 'your bit', his government are going to widen one of your largest motorways (just to begin with.). No doubt it's so that it can take even more traffic, traffic that will doubly pollute this lovely world we all live on. I don't know about the rest of you, but this is a bit two-faced David, and make no mistake about it.
Life: Is there a future? Certainly not for humans who continually tell you one thing, and actually mean something different altogether. I say: reduce the number of vehicles on our roads. This is the only way to reduce those carbon emissions, and do it before it really is, too late!
Anyway, I think that it's a bit warmer now, so I'm off in search of something tasty to eat. So, until next time,
I'll be seeing you... Stay safe.