A Human Dilemma
Technically, it’s late autumn and the weather is very much like it’s been for the past eight months or so. It’s wet this afternoon, and there’s a bit of a wind too, but apart from this, it’s really not too bad. Ribbit!!!
The garden still has a number of flowers in bloom, thanks to the green fingered skills of Bob, and this means that I can still find a lot of my food wandering amongst the shrubbery. As for my battle against those ’orrible furbags, I think I’m winning. Ribbit!!!
I was hoping to spread a little cheer this week, but alas it simply isn’t going to be the case. A closer study of you humans has shown me that most of you simply do not understand how your economy works for you, and believe me, you really should be doing more to understand it. How can you make it work if you can’t see the wood for the trees? (An old froggy saying.)
I want to help you to understand how your economy is supposed to work. Imagine, if you will, a great big wheel with many spokes radiating out from the central hub. Got it? Well, I do hope so.
Now, imagine that all of you are somewhere along the rim of this wheel, and for the sake of simplicity, you are facing to the right on a wheel that will be travelling clockwise. The first thing you all come across are your places of work. Eventually, you are all paid for what you do. Now that you’ve earned some money, you then decide to spend a little of it. Further along this wheel you come to a shop, supermarket, garage, or whatever it is. Let us say that some of you are buying a television, some your weekly shopping, while others purchase a new car, or a pair of shoes. Okay so far?
You hand your money across to the sales person, and they give you what you came in for. With time, knowledge of your purchase goes to their head office, the next space on that wheel. Here your goods are reordered so that the sales outlet can restock and sell even more goods to replace those you just purchased.
Let’s say that the next spoke of the wheel has the wholesaler, they order these goods from the manufacturer, the person at the next spoke of the wheel. Can you see the connection? Without that you purchase goods in the first place, others around the wheel will suffer as a result. The manufacturer finds that there is no sense in making new goods, if the sales outlet cannot sell them to you lot. People are laid off their jobs simply because you lot aren’t buying them. Croak!!!
This situation applies to all walks of life. You humans will only have a successful economy so long as it’s well oiled and it keeps going as I have explained to you. Stop making your purchases, services or whatever, and the economic wheel stops dead in its tracks resulting in a crisis. This is what is happening to you all right now. Of course, it doesn’t help matters when the media in your society starts spreading half truths and downright lies just so they have some juicy titbit of news to print or pass on to you just to make you feel more sorry for yourself than before. Croak!!!
You‘ve heard of people power haven‘t you? Well, this is the position you‘re all in at the moment. Yes, each and every single one of you. Only you, as human beings, have the power to end this economic crisis and bring some stability back into your lives and society in general. Ribbit!!!
Yes, I know that many of you are fearing for your jobs, but without you and all your members of society doing something positive about this situation, nothing will get better. I understand that big companies like BT and Virgin are said to be sacking thousand of people from their jobs, but did you realise that they would have done so regardless of the current economic crisis? They aren‘t sacking key workers, but rather those who are hired from agency.staff. These companies are taking advantage of a situation that has dropped into their laps. Yes, it still looks bad, but this is what the media wants you to believe. For them, this is news and they’re not interested in anything positive at a time when apathy and an economic crisis is flooding across the world. Ribbit!!!
You know very well that the economy will return to its former strength sooner or later. Even now, there are people out there making a killing at your expense. They don’t see an economic downturn, they see only opportunity coming their way. Come along, get that great big wheel going again, you can see that this truly makes a huge amount of sense. Ribbit!!!
Don’t let me hear anymore of your whining nor your apathy. Be positive and I’ll see you all again real soon… Take care of yourselves,
Labels: Economic Downturn