In Spite Of...
Hello one and all,
For the past few days I've been tucked away, busy trying to keep warm, but the cold weather was almost too much even for a little old frog like me. On top of everything else, I haven't seen Bob either. I guess that he's been busy celebrating these Christmas festivities with his family. I really can't blame him for not coming into the garden. After all, it has been what he calls "Brass Monkey Weather".
I hope that you all enjoyed yourselves? Me? I didn't even get a xmas card. Croak!!!
It's okay, I understand. Christmas is for humans, Gardens are for frogs...
While I've been sat here, I've tried hard to put my latest Blog together, yet it's not easy since Bob hasn't come to let me know what's happening in his world and away from my own. Of course, my world seldom changes from one day to the next during the winter. As it happens, I am a frog of leisure these days, you know. Why only the other day, one of those pesky furballs came prowling around, probably trying to catch one of the many birds that live around here. Now, although you may all think that it's so damned cute and cuddly, I, being a frog that is also cute and cuddly, had to make sure that I didn't end up as its Christmas dinner. Croak!!! Anyway, as it happens, Bob says that he took a photograph of this particular furball recently, so, I'll allow you to discover it along with this thrill a minute Blog.

With Christmas now over, I hope that you all received lots of wonderful gifts from your loved ones? I didn't get anything at all, you know!!! Well let's face it, no one loves a frog that much. Croak!!!
For those among you who were fortunate to receive your first PC for Christmas, and maybe you're discovering Blogs for the first time too, let me tell you about a well-known, often used myth among you humans. Somewhere, as you plod along life's little highway, you lot will come across a now classic statement, or excuse, depending on just how you tend to look at it. Bob explained to me that more and more of you, especially those who work in the civil service (whatever that is?), frequently tell those whose lives depend upon whatever they are being asked to do for you on your behalf, that their computer has upped and swallowed some vital bit information (to you, that is.) and that nothing can be done to help you. Blaming their computers is becoming a full time occupation for these people, and yet any person with even a miniscule brain would tell them that, (a) there is not yet a computer in the world that is capable of thinking for itself, let alone doing something without some kind of human intervention. And, (b) they will never ever admit to you, that they were the one who cocked up the task in the first place, and by rights, should accept the full blame for being inept in the first place. The worst thing is, these people get paid huge sums of money for making king-sized blunders on your behalf... Ribbit!!
Well, the year will soon be over, so...
Stay safe, mind how you go, and do drop by and see me again soon...