Is it Christmas (Again)?
Here we are at a time of the year that is considered by most humans to be late spring, and yet oddly enough, that is according to Bob, one would think that it was much later and closer to autumn, than anything else. Why? Because on Tuesday, May 15th, Bob saw what must be the earliest signs of Christmas that he has ever seen in his life. That is unless you've come across something a lot earlier? Bob asks me to share the following image with you, just as proof that he, nor I are pulling your leg. I know from what Bob has told me, you do like your celebrations, and to be honest, so do I: The birth of one's offspring, the first flying insect, the first slug of the year, to name but a few. These are all opportunities to celebrate... but Christmas, now? Ribbit!!!

This week, I've decided to talk about the touchy subject of law and order, or rather what you humans see as the current lack of it. Bob kindly explained to me that when he was a boy, I think that's what you humans call one sex of your young, he recalls that where he lived in the south of England, policemen could be seen in incredibly large numbers as they diligently plodded the streets that were their beats. Back then, during the 1940s,50s and 60s, the police spent all of their time fighting crime, or at the very least trying their utmost to prevent it occurring in the first place. Strangely enough, Bob says that if you were to shout out "Police!!!" at the top of your voice, assuming it was because you needed assistance, you'd have had at least two burly police constables breathing heavily down the back of your neck, and long before you realized what had happened. Today, well you'd seriously be wasting your breath... Croak!!!
Now, as a frog I do find that today's attitude to policing to be a bit of a joke. Regardless of the fact that you humans have more police in circulation now, than could ever be seen during Bob's early years, they are about as scarce as finding a ten pound note, or a dog turd free area on the street. It's not that they simply don't exist, although most of you seem to reckon that this is the case, it's that the police dare not go on the streets without that they can sit in a nice comfortable car. This is something they can use to chase other motorists about in, just in case one of you has gone over the speed limit by a few miles per hour. It doesn't seem to matter that some of you are being mugged and robbed at knifepoint on the street, or that some elderly person is being used as a punch bag, if it's not being done inside a vehicle of some kind, then these lazy boys in blue just don't want to know about it. Croak!!!
Where Bob and I live, you'll be lucky if you see a policeman, or woman, on the plod at all, even if you were to stand watching out for one for a whole year. Where are they? I hear you all cry. Why are you humans paying their wages, when you can never find a policeman, woman, right when you desire one the most, which is usually when you're getting seven bells of hell knocked out of you? Croak!!!
Have you ever had to ring for police help? Yes! Then Bob wants to know why it is that if you ring them at night, or in the evening, one of the first things they ask you is: Did you see who did it? Or, Are they still out there? It's as if you had xray vision, or that you sit staring out of your windows as a hobby. And do they think that you're going to be stupid enough to go out and confront someone you haven't even seen, assuming that these assailants have just busted your windows, or shot out those beautiful garden lamps you bought yourself as a treat? Who is daft enough to venture outside under these circumstances? Croak!!! Of course, we frogs are used to seeing what goes on at night, but we're not about to shout about it to all and everyone... cept you lot, that is. Ribbit!!!
Anyway, judging from the amount of crime that goes undetected by the police, I'd be inclined to say that the police are not doing their duty. They should put more emphasis on crime prevention, and by this I mean that they should be seen on the beat. It's right where they belong and doing what they are paid to do, keeping the streets free of crime. It seems that this is just too much trouble for them. Croak!!!
Back to something close to my heart now, the garden where I live. All that rain we've been having lately, has helped turn bare shrubs and trees into a sea of waving green leaves and blossom. The pond is looking exceptionally well, and is providing me with lots of hiding places, no, not from the police! but rather from those frisky furballs that have come around in force again to pester me and my life. My young are growing fast and no doubt will soon become mirror copies of the most handsome of all frogs, yours truly! Ribbit!!!
I'm hopping off around my domain again, so, stay safe and I'll see you all in the garden again real soon. Don't have nightmares. Bye. Ribbit!!!
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