Poxy adverts: Who Needs Them?
With such lovely weather of late, it's going to be difficult for me to speak of anything else, but as usual, Bob has given me yet another subject that requires the benefit of my frank judgement. So, I'm going to give you my best... Ribbit!!!
Bob says that he recalls a time when all you humans used to complain like demented toads, and what about I hear you ask? The cost of watching television, of course!! Yes, you lot seem to know a thing or two about moaning, especially where the TV licence is concerned. Now, if I'm a reasonable judge of human behaviour, I reckon that this subject has captured your attention! Croak!!!
Bob says that humans have been complaining about the price of a licence ever since it cost about something like ten pounds for colour, (what sort of colour is a colour licence?) anyhow, Bob has said that although it has steadily increased in price, at least it comes completely free of advertising, at least considering it's for the jolly old Beeb. Ah! I hear you all cry. It's still too much! Well, I've been doing some thinking about this just lately, and knock me down with a big stick, if it doesn't seem that you are all moaning about the wrong thing. Oh, yes you do!
From what I understand, television comprises of two main elements, although there are actually three, terrestrial, satellite and cable. Okay so far? Right then, For a little more than one hundred and fifty pounds a year, the Beeb provides approximately 336 hours of viewing per week without those terrible adverts to ruin your entertainment. Being a frog, this sounds pretty good, although you won't catch me glued to a TV for that many hours on end! Croak!!! On the other hand, those of you who are hypnotised by the great satellite in the sky, where you can watch it for more hours than the clock provides, you pay anything from two hundred and fifty-two pounds extra a year to get your enjoyment. Of course, if you are a sports addict and adore those movie channels too, then the cost literally skyrockets and becomes more like a mortgage payment!
Now, I have a teensy question for you lot. How come you all moan like toads about paying for a simple licence, which provides you with all that lovely advert free television, and yet you don't think twice about paying a darn sight more than this, just to have Sky pump its mind-bending crappy adverts into your brains around the clock, and for hours on end??? For the amount of money you humans pay for your satellite viewing, Sky should damned well be advert free too! Don't you think that this is how it should be?
Bob reckons that you can't really enjoy anything on Sky, since for every ten minutes of entertainment, you have to put up with six minutes of absolute mind numbing adverts, especially during series like : Lost. 24. Bones. Cold Case. Heroes. Battlestar Galactica. etc.. Yes I know, Bob has told me that you can always record these programmes and fast forward the ads, but this isn't what you're paying these high prices for, is it? No it isn't! Not only that, but Bob says that there are only so many times when you feel like getting up to make tea/coffee or go to the little room, unless it's to get rid of all that tea and coffee you've just drunk, of course! Ribbit!!!
I know what I think gives better value for the money it asks: the BBC! No, Bob doesn't work for the Beeb. In fact, he's retired and has never worked for television in his life. It just makes sense, that's all.
It's so lovely in the garden this evening, I think I'm going to have a little wander around, just to see what there is to eat. I'm feeling a bit peckish right now. As far as I can see, there are none of those furballs prowling around right now, so things look decidedly peaceful to me. There are lots of beautiful flowers showing themselves all over the place, and Bob told me that he's been potting up some seeds earlier. Ah yes, I'm still busy watching over my young in the pond. Once they have grown into tiny frogs, they'll be able to enjoy this lovely garden along with me... Ribbit!!!
Well, I'm off now. See you again soon. Ribbit!!!
Labels: adverts, Beeb, cable, satellite, Sky TV, terrestrial, TV licence
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