Saving the planet
For just a single moment, I acquired a rather misleading, yet curious thought, that I was somehow going to be able to get through my blog offering, without looking like I was forever finding something to moan about. I was so terribly wrong!! Croak!!!
In spite of whatever you think of me, your overly friendly and highly informative frog, or Bob, the man who looks after this garden, I have come to the agonizing conclusion that humans are indeed a stupid lot. I'm sorry, but it's indelibly true! It appears that no matter how much I let you know about the harsh reality of global warming, and of course, climate change, you all respond to this information like you were going on some fantastic holiday somewhere. Do none of you humans believe in telling your MPs that they are wrong? Don't you care that your world is heading for a whacking great cataclysmic end, one where you humans are to blame?
Bob, he's over there planting some flowers, isn't he nice? Sorry, where was I? Ah yes, Bob insists that humans in general, and I think that he means most of you, simply do not believe what the scientists are telling you. He suggested that because you cannot see the real physical changes that this planet is undergoing, you all think that nothing is actually happening. Me? I think that he's right! Croak!!!
Bob said recently, when your nice mister Blair, (his words, not mine), announced that there will be an increase in air traffic of fifty percent over Britain, by the year 2050, none of you so much as questioned the sense in this! Is this the face of someone who gives a damn about global warming? Of course not! One minute he's telling you that air traffic must be cut, and the next he's supporting a massive increase. Obviously, your mister Blair is much like that other two-faced Bush from across the big pond. The only difference here, and you may recall that I did tell you about it a while back(?), bush doesn't think that global warming exists either. But then, what can you believe when confronted by a man who worships Oil, even if it doesn't belong to him?
Okay! Okay! I understand that some of you remain sceptical about climate change and all that goes with it, but can you really afford to be taken in by these people, when the future could end up with the extinction of the human race? Alright! Come on, which one of you shouted poppycock? Hey! If you want to nurse that selfish attitude of yours, that's entirely up to you, but remember one thing... When you humans have long disappeared from the face of the land, us frogs will live on forever. We're born survivors. Ribbit!!!
For the believers among you, don't you think that the best way to tackle climate change and global warming, it's to vote for those who know what taking care of this planet is all about? Yes, Bob says that the Green Party are in a much better position to know what to do about saving this planet. Their interests are for the benefit of humankind, not one that is wholly greedy and selfish. The rest are only interested in what they can get out of you lot for themselves.
Tell me this... When was the last time that any government in power did anything for your benefit? That's right! Bloody never! Croak!!!
Do you know what? I bet you all think that I'm a crackpot! Perhaps you're right, but there again, when was the last time you took a hard look at what's happening in life around you? Can you honestly say, with your hand over your heart, that everything is hunky-dory? Then again, perhaps you're one of those who prefers to ignore the harsh darker side of reality? Well, it won't go away you know.
This is your life, your future. Don't throw it away because you are not sure whether you believe in climate change and global warming, or not. Remember, once these changes are forced upon you, there is no turning back. You'll be left, for a while, with just a mountain of regrets.
Well, I'm off to go see what's happening around the garden. See you again soon. Ribbit!!!
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