Humans and animals share this wonderful land that you lot call Earth. It took many billions of years for the present day landscapes to take shape and form, giving us the world as we all see and enjoy today. Alas, for all of its beauty, it took but five minutes for you humans to f*** it all up!!! Croak!!!
I know I'm just a lowly frog, a creature with very little power other than one that gives me the will to live, however, you humans are really something else altogether. I just cannot see what your excuse is? Over the past few months, yours truly, Froggy, has given you the insight into life as you should all be living it. I've pointed out your mistakes. I continually show you where you are going wrong. I've tried to explain to you how you can better yourselves. I've even explained how its better to think of others, and not so much of yourselves. But what do you go and do? You throw it all back into my face!!! Croak!!! Is that a way to treat a friend?
Respect!! That's a word that appears to have very little meaning to humans. If you are not going round robbing and cheating on each other, it seems that some of you are now ready to kill each other too. Are you stark raving MAD?!!! What happened to love thy neighbour? And I don't mean that you should enjoy a spot of carnal knowledge with them!! Haven't you ever done something good for someone without thinking about what it'll cost you? No! Then you truly haven't lived my friends.
Bob told me that it's time that humans behaved respectfully towards each other, instead of copying the childish antics of those who run your government. Bob explained that the government is regretting what it did about your pensions when it came into power. Too bloody late now! Anyway, they are too busy taking your money to prop up their own magnificent pensions to bother anything about yours. Your nice mister Blair has given himself a nice fat 3.4 million pound pension... What do you think you'll get when you retire? Naff all, that's what. I can see from the look on your face that you don't believe me. How sad!!!
As a frog, I find it extremely odd how you humans will willingly give MPs all the power they can muster, just so that they can take care of themselves, cheat you lot, and then turn around and say to you: there's no money left to give you what you elected us for, hospitals, the NHS, transport, fair taxation and all the rest. Well, the first of this year's voting sessions is almost upon you, and while you're all wondering who you should vote for, those candidates are rubbing their hands in anticipation of the sudden wealth that is surely going to come their way, once you've been stupid enough to vote for them, that is. Croak!!! Why don't you all do yourselves a favour for a change. Stay away from those polling stations just for once, and see what happens. It should be worth a laugh.
Did you know: you ordinary humans have such incredible power at your finger tips. It's there for you to control and use how you see fit. But no! That's not what will happen, you'll just go on doing the same old thing day in and day out, then later on, you'll all start moaning like hell as usual. Look, I'm aware that some of you are more well off than the rest, but in the long run, humans are all the same where nobody is really any better than the other.
I'll give you an example shown to me by Bob. News shows that your Labour gov is thinking about offering the job of PM to my old friend David Milliband, right? Well, if any of you have ever taken the trouble to read his Blog, you will have noticed that he hasn't the foggiest idea as to what the hell he's doing. When confronted with an issue about climate change, he turned to his readers and asked them if anyone had any ideas on how they could help him to solve this rather sticky problem. Well, I don't know about you, but anyone who is paid as much as he is to run a gov department, should damned well be able to come up with some ideas of his own, instead of asking around. It's a bit like a team working in a hospital operating theatre, then right as they are about to drill a big hole into someone's head, the surgeon asks: Saw or drill? I've never done this before, anyone got any bright ideas?
Yes, MPs and government officials are paid incredible amounts of money, a lot lot more than any of you will ever make anyway, and this is to make and take decisions that will effect every single one of you... but haven't you realized it yet, most of them haven't the foggiest idea as to what the hell they're doing. I mean, look at the fiasco about those humans who were taken prisoner in Iran. Need I say more? However, they are pretty sure that you'll think that they can be trusted. Ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ho! ho! ho! Ribbit!!! Goodness, my sides are aching like mad.
Well, I've got to go now. See you again soon. Ribbit!!!
Labels: Blair, government, MPs, pensions
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